Community Engagement

Addressing the needs and interests of our communities locally, statewide, nationally and internationally.


The VP Office of Community Engagement offers a variety of resources related to community engagement to help faculty enhance their teaching and scholarship.

Teaching Community-based Learning Courses Online during the COVID-19 Outbreak -- Teaching community-based learning (CBL) courses online may be challenging for many of us as it forces us to adapt and make changes to our courses. While we continue to grasp with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of Community Engagement would like to offer a few suggestions, Ideas, and resources to assist you as you shift your CBL courses online. LEARN MORE HERE

 The Faculty Handbook on Engaged Scholarship attempts to help faculty understand community engagement and engaged scholarship. It is not a complete guide to community-engaged teaching, research/creative activity, and service but more of a reference guide for orientation purposes. It provides suggestions and recommendations for faculty involved in community-engaged work as well as a list of references and other resources. More info...

Training and Development - designed to utilize community engagement as a method for teaching and conducting research and to foster collaborative partnership with the community through mutually beneficial endeavors

UofL secured a membership with The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, which provides high-quality professional development, training, and mentoring resources to faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students at colleges and universities across the country.

Community-Based Learning Courses - identifies a pedagogy that explicitly engages students in studying community issues in order to increase their understanding and application of academic content

Engaged Scholarship - scholarly work done in full partnership with the community.  It consists of research, teaching, and the application of scholarship for mutual benefits for the institution and community partner

Resources on Community Engagement - Journals, organizations, conferences, and toolkits on community engagement

Recent publications in Community Engagement - sponsored by the Michigan State University's National Collaborative for the Study of University Engagement, this book series provides a forum for scholars to address diverse issues surrounding university-community collaborations initiated to create innovative solutions for addressing societal challenges

Virtual Library - one stop shop for submitting, viewing and storing data surrounding community engagement activities

Speakers Bureau - comprised of current UofL faculty and staff, the Speakers Bureau serves as one of the main community service programs provided by the University of Louisville

Outstanding Community Engagement Awards

Summer Youth Opportunities - camps and enrichment programs provided by or in conjunction with UofL

Sexual Harassment in the Internship Setting: Rights and Resources (PDF)

Community Engagement

University of Louisville

2309 S 3rd St

Louisville, KY 40208

(502) 852-6026

Office Hours

M-F 8:30am to 5:00pm

No holiday hours

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