Community Engagement

Addressing the needs and interests of our communities locally, statewide, nationally and internationally.

Annual Community Engagement Activity Reporting

Click here to request access to the 2024-25 Community Engagement Activity Reporting System. Contact for more details.


Annually the Office of Community Engagement (OCE) collects details about activities in collaboration with external partners or programs specifically serving external communities.  OCE seeks information on activities where faculty, students, and staff are both “giving and receiving” through their service experience and collaboration with the community. We also collect information on community outreach, volunteerism, and shorter-term service opportunities, undertaken as part of one’s professional or educational responsibilities.  

The purpose of the Community Partnership Reporting is to capture, update and enable the University of Louisville to report on its engagement activities with local communities, the state, surrounding region and beyond.  It allows academic and administrative units to explore UofL partnership activities through a range of categories, and to extract and print reports. 

INSTRUCTIONS SLIDESHOW (video instructions on YouTube)

Below we have listed some examples of what activities to report and which activities not to report, with the understanding that there may be exceptions to these general guidelines.

  • Activities involving collaboration with schools, non-profits, industry, governments, or civic agencies including: 

      - ongoing work contributing to  public welfare  
      - short term volunteer or service activities 
      - activities with external partners involving student course work
      - research with external partners or community members
  • Assisting the public through a university clinic, hospital, laboratory, or center 

  • Creation or maintenance of specific and directed community outreach efforts (speaker series, annual service events, etc.) 

  • Providing public policy analysis, program evaluation, or needs assessments for nonprofits or local, state, inter/national government agencies 

  • Consulting with private and public, profit, and not-for-profit organizations by applying expertise to enhance the efficiency or effectiveness of the organizations served 

  • Exhibits and performances to the community as part of students’ coursework 

  • Anything that does NOT involve an external partner or does NOT serve an external community 

  • Service to your discipline including:

       - editing a journal
       - serving on an editorial board 
       - organizing academic conferences or meetings
       - participating in accreditation activities, etc. 

  • Volunteerism NOT directly associated with your role at UofL 

  • Board membership, advisory groups or committees unless there is direct involvement with a specific project in or with the community

  • One-time presentations or lectures 

  • Radio or television interviews 

  • Publishing in non-academic media,e.g., newsletters, radio, television, and magazines 


Community Engagement

University of Louisville

2309 S 3rd St

Louisville, KY 40208

(502) 852-6026

Office Hours

M-F 8:30am to 5:00pm

No holiday hours

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