Community Engagement

Addressing the needs and interests of our communities locally, statewide, nationally and internationally.

Nystrand Center of Excellence in Education Presents: Embrace the Future with Immersive Virtual Reality

When Jan 29, 2021
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
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The Nystrand Center continues to push education forward, whether it is in the classroom, the operating room, or the athletic film room. Come learn how you can too with Immersive Virtual Reality.

Virtual reality is the future. Rather than be skeptical, get ahead of the curve and learn how this “new normal” can actually enhance education, health, and leadership.

Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) is a rapidly advancing technology utilized across varying education fields to allow for potential learning and educational applications. IVR provides the capabilities of computer simulations and embodied cognition experiences through a hands-on activity, making it a natural step to improve learning (Madden et al., 2020).

To access the Zoom meeting, simply click “JOIN ZOOM MEETING” on the attached announcement. In the meantime, please register by clicking the link below and entering your contact information. We look forward to seeing you on January 29, 2021!

Register here:

Community Engagement

University of Louisville

2309 S 3rd St

Louisville, KY 40208

(502) 852-6026

Office Hours

M-F 8:30am to 5:00pm

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