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Louisville Innovations Talk with Grace Simrall, Louisville Metro Chief of Civic Innovation and Technology

When Apr 30, 2019
from 02:30 PM to 03:30 PM
Where Duthie Center 117
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Contact Phone 852-6506
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Louisville Innovations Talk Guest Speaker Grace Simrall“Why our Louisville Metro Government needs to innovate and how the University can partner meaningfully”

Grace Simrall
Chief of Civic Innovation and Technology
Louisville Metro Government

Louisville Metro has long been recognized as having one of the most innovative municipal governments – creating breakthroughs that are co-created with the public often using novel, crowdsourced data. This seminar delves into how the Office of Civic Innovation is preparing our city for emerging technologies to ensure our entire community reaches its full potential. We will also discuss examples of previous partnerships with the University of Louisville and the new opportunities that exist for future collaboration.

Speaker Bio

Grace Simrall was named Chief of Civic Innovation and Technology for Louisville Metro Government in August 2016. She is responsible for advising the Mayor and leading the city’s Smart City initiative, transforming the resident experience of digital government, and facilitating co-creation of breakthrough civic innovations. Under her leadership, the city has received national recognition for their innovation work including 2017 Center for Digital Government - Most Innovative City, 2018 Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayors Challenge Champion City, and 2018 Smart Cities Council Readiness Challenge awardee. Prior to this role, Simrall served as Executive Director of Innovation at Care Innovations, a joint venture between Intel and GE Healthcare, where she was responsible for the company’s innovation and analytics initiatives. In 2010, she founded iGlass Analytics, a startup focused on delivering data management and analytics solutions in the healthcare technology space.

Simrall earned a bachelor’s degree in the geophysical sciences from the University of Chicago and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Louisville’s Speed School of Engineering.

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