University of Louisville
2309 S 3rd St
Louisville, KY 40208
Community Engagement
Addressing the needs and interests of our communities locally, statewide, nationally and internationally.
The webinar is sponsored by the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. The events in the USA have brought to the attention of the world the suffering of many African Americans. Systematic inequities may exist in different countries and communities in different forms. Some of these forms and the ways different communities deal with them may share commonalities and differences. How can research help us understand the issues and to find ways to move forward? The webinar is free but registration is required. Register by clicking here
Cardinals make a difference through Alternative Service Breaks
UofL Brandeis School of Law launches immigration law clinic
UofL Green Heart Project: residents’ inflammation lower after trees added to neighborhoods
UofL program empowers local teachers to bring science to life
UofL dental faculty’s experience fuels passion to help those with special needs
UofL College of Education & Human Development to create state reading research center