Humphrey Colloquium

The Steven Humphrey Undergraduate Philosophy Colloquium


The Steven Humphrey Undergraduate Philosophy Colloquium is an annual conference that brings together students from throughout North America. Student presentations are well attended and generate lively discussion; the colloquium ends with a prominent keynote speaker. The Colloquium is possible thanks to the generosity of Dr. Steven Humphrey. The Colloquium will fund the costs of travel and accommodations for the authors of accepted papers.

The 22nd annual Humphrey Colloquium will take place on February 28, 2025. The keynote speaker is Dr. Kristin Andrews (York University). Her address will be entitled "Wild Societies: Social Norms in Animal Cultures."

Undergraduate students are invited to submit papers in any area of Philosophy for presentation in an inclusive and welcoming environment. Submissions should be prepared for anonymous review and sent to  no later than January 10, 2025 to receive full consideration.

Watch this space for information on future Humphrey Colloquia, including calls for papers and final programs. Papers, not to exceed 3000 words, should be prepared for anonymous review and submitted by email to .

The Colloquium was featured in Louisville's The Voice-Tribune

Questions about the Colloquium should be sent to:

 Testimonies from our presenters:


"Presenting at the colloquium was an invaluable experience. I learned so much listening to the other presentations, and it was wonderful to get so much feedback on my own paper. Most importantly, I learned about my own abilities as a young philosopher! I am truly grateful to have had this opportunity. " (Sienna Murphy, University of Puget Sound)

"I was lucky enough to be a presenter at the Humphrey Colloquium earlier this month...The Louisville philosophy department was particularly welcoming and it was such a supportive environment for my first experience with presenting my work. The reception afterwards ... allowed me to get to know more people within the department and socialize with faculty members, who really inspired me to continue pursuing a career in philosophy." (Alexandra Lilly, Rutgers University)

"Being there propelled me aspirationally. In the months after that conference, I led the creation of our own undergraduate philosophy conference at Arizona State University. I was president of ASU’s undergraduate philosophy club and particularly wanted to replicate the amazing experience I had in Louisville for my peers at ASU. Over and over again, I used the Louisville conference as a template - from the room setup to the dinner for student speakers after the conference." (Nathanael Pierce, Arizona State University).