Class of 2023
Philosophy graduate Nancy Thompson accepting her degree from President Schatzel on May 14 in a WAVE 3 story.
On May 14, the class of 2023 crossed the KFC Yum Center stage to collect their diplomas. Our graduates included 13 Philosophy majors, 19 minors including both Philosophy and PP&E (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), 10 Ethics Certificate graduates, and four who completed the MA in Health Care Ethics. Among the Philosophy graduates was Nancy Thompson, whose 50-year journey to graduation was featured on WAVE 3 News. Philosophy’s enrollment numbers are up slightly compared to the past few years, suggesting that Philosophy has turned the corner from a nationwide decline over the previous decade. The rush to STEM may have been something of an over-correction based on job markets and a narrow view about the purpose of higher education. Many students have found that Philosophy provides not only the exciting engagement with challenging texts and questions that they crave, but also crucial preparation in the “10 Essential Skills” for our 21st century economy, identified by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education. Whatever the reason for the recent increase, Philosophy majors continue to be highly motivated and successful students. This year seven of our majors earned University-wide honors (cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude).