Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
301i Life Sciences Building
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40292
(502) 852-6950
As an undergraduate research assistant, you will:
- get hands-on experience conducting original experiments
- learn to read and dissect research
- go 'behind the curtain' to see and understand advanced data analysis and visualization techniques
- learn about speech perception and auditory perception and why it's so amazing
Dr. Stilp
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
308 Life Sciences Building
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40292
Phone: (502) 852-0820
christian DOT stilp AT louisville DOT edu
As a graduate student in the APP Lab, you will:
- be collecting data inside your first year in the program
- writing (and publishing!) research before proposing your dissertation (you will be first author as often as humanly possible)
- have access to a considerable volume of normal-hearing listeners each semester
- learn state-of-the-art stimulus generation methods and data analysis techniques
- present at international conferences
If you are currently preparing your application for a graduate student position in the lab, I strongly encourage you to:
- get in touch with me first! I routinely have several meetings with applicants before an offer of admission is made
- read these two Twitter threads about writing effective applications