
Recent Publications and Presentations (* indicates student):


Baldwin* MKL, Wei* H, Reed* JL, Bickford ME, Petry HM, Kaas JH. (2012) Cortical projections to the superior colliculus in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri). Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI: 10.1002/cne.23249

Petry HM, Bickford ME. (2012) What is the role of the pulvinar nucleus in visual motion processing? [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 12(9), article 1372. doi: 10.1167/12.9.1372 Symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples FL, May 2012.

Petry HM, Clark* CT, Day-Brown* JD, Bolin* RT, Bickford ME. (2012) Behavioral measurement of RDK velocity discrimination thresholds in the tree shrew. [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 12(9), article 1223. doi: 10.1167/12.9.1223. Presented at the annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples FL, May 2012.

Dang* W, Masterson* SP, Day-Brown* JD, Maire* PS, Bickford ME, Petry HM. (2012) Receptive field characteristics of visually-responsive neurons in the tree shrew pulvinar nucleus. Program No. 467.13. Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orleans LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online.


Wei* H, Bonjean* M, Petry HM, Sejnowski T, Bickford ME (2011) Thalamic burst firing propensity: a comparison of the dorsal lateral geniculate and pulvinar nuclei in the tree shrew. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(47), 17287-17299. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.6431-10.2011.

Wei* H, Masterson* SP, Petry HM, Bickford ME (2011) Diffuse and specific tectopulvinar terminals in the tree shrew: synapses, synapsins, and synaptic potentials. PLoS ONE, 6(8): e23781. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023781

Kiser* PJ, Morris* JG, Petry HM, Wilt SD, Mower GD (2011) Munc13-3 mutation disrupts monocular deprivation induced ocular dominance shifts in visual cortex of young and adult mice. Program No. 913.06. Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2011. Online.


Day-Brown* JD, Wei* H, Chomsung* RD, Petry HM, Bickford ME (2010) Pulvinar projections to the straitum and amygdala in the tree shrew. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 4, article 143. (published November 15, 2010, dii: 10.3389/fnana.2010.00143).

Day-Brown JD*, Wei* H, Chomsung* RD, Petry HM, Bickford ME. (2010) Pulvinar projections to the striatum and amygdala. Program No. 72.13. Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2010. Online.

Wei* H, Dillihay* DS, Petry HM, Bickford ME. (2010) Thalamic burst firing propensity: a comparison of the dorsal lateral geniculate and pulvinar nuclei in the tree shrew. Program No. 72.16. Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2010. Online.


Chomsung* RD, Wei* H, Day-Brown* JD, Petry HM, Bickford ME. (2009/2010) Synaptic organization of connections between the temporal cortex and pulvinar nucleus of the tree shrew. Cerebral Cortex, 20, 997-2011. Advance Access published August 14, 2009, doi:10.1093/cerecor/bhp162.

Aramant RB, Seiler MJ, Petry HM, Green P, Pidwell D, Radtke ND, (2009) Retinal transplantation improves vision in macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa patients. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 837.12.

Day-Brown* JD, Wei* H, Petry HM, Bickford ME. (2009) Characterization of claustrum-V1 connections. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 848.11.

Radtke ND, Aramant RB, Seiler MJ, Pidwell D, Petry HM. (2009) Implantation of immature retina and retinal pigment epithelium in retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration. Presented at the Macula of Paris Conference, Paris, France, January 2009.

Vanni* MP, Villeneuve* MY, Bickford ME, Petry HM, Casanova C. (2009) Functional organization of the primary visual cortex (areas 17 and 18) of the tree shrew revealed by optical brain imaging [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 9(8):770, 770a,, doi:10.1167/9.8.770. Presented at the annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples FL, May 2009.

Vanni* MP, Villeneuve* MY, Minville K, Petry ME, Bickford ME, Casanova C. (2009) Organization of area V1 and V2 of the tree shrew revealed by optical imaging: evidence of orientation and spatial frequency maps and absence of direction domains. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 352.12.

Wei*, H, Day-Brown* JD, Chomsung* RD, Petry HM, Bickford ME. (2009) The pulvinar nucleus and corticocortical communication. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 848.19.


Chomsung*, RD, Petry, HM, Bickford ME. (2008) Ultrastructural examination of diffuse and specific tectopulvinar projections in the tree shrew. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 510(24), 24-46.

Chomsung*, RD, Wei* H, Day-Brown* JD, Petry, HM, Bickford ME. (2008) The projection from the pulvinar nucleus to the tree shrew striatum. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 458.16.

Petry, HM. (2008) The Grawemeyer Awards in Psychology. In The Power of Ideas: Volume II, AE Dittmer, SR Garrett, RA Payne, M Satterwhite and HM Petry. Louisville KY: Butler Books, pp 210-251.

Radtke ND, Aramant RB, Petry HM, Greene PT, Pidwell DJ, Seiler M. (2008) Vision improvement in retinal degeneration patients by implantation of retina together with retinal pigment epithelium. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 146(2), 172-182.


Chomsung*, RD, Petry, HM, Eisenback MA, Bickford ME. (2007) Synaptic organization of the projection from the temporal cortex to the tree shrew pulvinar nucleus. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 392.10.

Day-Brown*, JD, Chomsung*, RD, Petry, HM, Bickford ME. (2007) Synaptic organization of striate cortex projections to the tree shrew dorsal thalamus. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 392.7.

Lyons*, SR, Day-Brown*, JD, Chomsung*, RD, Petry, HM, Bickford ME. (2007) Synaptic organization of striate cortex projections to the tree shrew superior colliculus. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 392.9.

Wei*, H. Masterson*,SP, Petry, HM, Bickford, ME. (2007) Development of low-threshold spikes in the tree shrew visual thalamus. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 392.11.