Two Graduate Students Receive 2017 SRCD Travel Awards

Congratulations to graduate students Michelle Jackson and Kate Dixon for being awarded Travel Awards to the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD). Michelle and Kate are both doctoral students in the Experimental Psychology program studying child development. At the SRCD conference, to be held in Austin, TX this April, Michelle Jackson will present research she conducted with her mentor, Dr. Judith Danovitch, in the UofL KID lab, on children’s understanding of the internet. Her poster is entitled, “Does the Internet Cloud Reality?: Children’s Reasoning about the Reality Status of Information from the Internet.” Kate Dixon will present research she conducted with her mentor, Dr. Cara Cashon, and collaborators in the UofL Infant Cognition Lab, on how mothers speak to their 5-month-old babies. Her poster is entitled, “Prosody of IDS and Maternal Negative Affect: An Investigation of Mothers from a Community Sample.”

For more information, please click on the links below:


UofL Knowledge in Development (KID) Lab

UofL Infant Cognition Lab

UofL Experimental Psychology PhD Program

Society for Research on Child Development