Edward A. Essock
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences,
University of Louisville, Louisville KY, 40292
Phone: (502) 852-5955
2005 - University Scholar, University of Louisville
1997 - Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of
1998 - Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, University
of Louisville
1996 - 2002 Department Area Head, Perception and Sensory Physiology (Visual
Neuroscience / Visual Cognition Group), University of Louisville
1991 - 1997 - Associate in Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Louisville
1991 - 1994 - Department Area Head, Perception and Performance (Human Factors),
University of Louisville
1989 - 1997 - Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Louisville
1988 - 1989 - Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of
1987 - 1988 - Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Mount Holyoke College
1985 - 1987 - Visiting Scientist, Laboratory for Computer Vision, University of Massachusetts
1983 - 1985 - Research Scientist / Faculty Scientist, Eye Research Institute of the Retina Foundation, Boston, MA
1982 - 1983 - Assistant Research Scientist, University of California - Berkeley
Institution Dates Degree
University of California, Berkeley 1981-1982 Post-Doctoral Fellow
Brown University 1976-1981 Ph.D.
University of Iowa 1972-1976 B.S. w/Honors
The 2007 Visiting Scientist, Southern College of Optometry
Outstanding Scholarship, Research and Creativity Award, University of Louisville, College of Arts and Sciences, 1999.
University Proctor, Brown University, 1980.
Undergraduate Honors, University of Iowa, 1976.
Perception; Art and Seeing
Research Methods and Statistics I and II
Biological Bases of Behavior; Seminar in Psychobiology
Introductory Psychology.
Sensation and Perception
Visual Processes
Principles of Visual Science II
Various seminars in Clinical and Spatial Vision, Visual Art and Perception.
Shape Analysis of Surfaces, patent number 7,139,602.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Chekmenev, S, Farag, AA and Essock, EA. (2007) Thermal imaging of the superficial temporal artery: An arterial pulse recovery method. IEEE Proceedings: 4th IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Conference, in press.
- Zheng, Y., Essock EA., Hansen, BC. And Haun, AM. (2007) A new metric based on extended spatial frequency and its application to DWT based fusion algorithms. Information Fusion, 8, 177-192.
- Essock, EA and Hansen, BC, and Haun, AM (2007) Perceptual bands in orientation and spatial frequency: A cortical analogue to Mach bands. Perception, (in press).
- Essock, EA, Gunvant, P, Zheng, Y, Garway-Heath, DF, and Kotecha, A. (2007) Predicting visual field loss in ocular hypertensive patients using wavelet-fourier analysis of GDx scanning laser polarimetry. Optometry and Vision Science (in press)
- Gunvant, P, Zheng, Y, Essock, EA, Parikh, RS, Prabakaran, SP, Ganesh, JG, Shekar, GC, Thomas, R. (2007) Application of shape-based analysis methods to OCT retinal nerve fiber layer. OCT Journal of Glaucoma (in press).
- Hansen, BC and Essock, EA (2006) Anisotropic local contrast normalization: The role of stimulus orientation and spatial frequency bandwidths in the oblique and horizontal effect perceptual anisotropies. Vision Research, 46, 4398-4415.
- Chekmenev, SY, Farag, AA, and Essock, EA. (2006) Multiresolution approach for non-contact measurements of arterial pulse using thermal imaging. IEEE Proceedings of the Computer Vision Pattern Recognition Workshop, The Computer Society Press, 129-138.
- Zheng, Y., Essock, EA., and Hansen, BC. (2005) An advanced DWT fusion algorithm and its optimization by using the metric of image quality index, Optical Engineering, 44(3), 1-12.
- Hansen, BC and Essock EA. (2005) Influence of scale and orientation on the visual perception of natural scenes. Visual Cognition, 12, 1199-1234.
- Gunvant, P., Zheng, Y. Essock, A., Chen, PP, Greenfield, DS, Bagga, H. and Boehm, MD. (2005) Predicting subsequent visual field loss in glaucoma subjects with disc hemorrhage using RNFL polarimetry. Journal of Glaucoma, 14(1), 20-25.
- Zheng, Y., Hansen, BC., Haun, AM., and Essock, EA. (2005) Coloring night-vision imagery with statistical properties of natural colors by using image segmentation and histogram matching. Color Imaging X: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, Proceedings of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging Vol 5667, 107-117, 2005.
- Hansen, BC and Essock, EA (2005) The relationship between human perceptual performance and the physical attributes of night vision imagery. In, Trends in Experimental Psychology Research, Rosen, D.T. et al. (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, New York.
- Essock, EA, Gunvant, PG and Zheng, Y. (2005) Follow-Up with GDx/GDx-VCC. In, Optic Nerve Head and Retinal Nerve Fiber Analysis, M. Iester, D. Garway-Heath and H. Lemij (Eds.), Dogma Publishing, Savona, Italy.
- Essock, EA., Zheng, Y. and Gunvant, P. (2005) Analysis of GDx-VCC Polarimetry Data by Wavelet-Fourier Analysis (WFA) Across Glaucoma Stage. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 46(8), 2838-2847.
- Essock, EA, WK, Sinai, MJ, DeFord, JK, Hansen, BH. and Srinivasan, N. (2004) Human perceptual performance with nighttime imagery: Region recognition and texture-based segmentation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 10(2), 97-110.
- Zheng, Y, Essock, EA and Hansen, BC. (2004) An advanced image fusion algorithm based on wavelet transform – Incorporation with PCA and morphological processing, Proceedings of the SPIE, 5298, 177-187.
- Hansen, BC and Essock, EA. (2004) Biases in human visual processing of orientation and the structural components of natural scenes, Journal of Vision, 4(12), 1044-1060.
- Essock, EA, Sinai, MJ, Bowd, C, Zangwill, LM and Weinreb, RN. (2003) Fourier analysis of OCT and GDx RNFL measurements in the diagnosis of glaucoma. Archives of Ophthalmology, 121, 1238-1245.
- Essock, EA, DeFord, JK, and Hansen, BH (2003) Oblique stimuli are seen best (not worst!) in naturalistic broadband stimuli: A horizontal effect. Vision Research, 43, 1329-1335.
- Hansen, BC, DeFord, JK, Sinai, MJ, and Essock, EA. (2003) Manipulation of the amplitude and phase spectra of broadband stimuli: Implications for human visual processing of natural scenes. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 14, 501-526.
- Zheng, Y. and Essock, EA. (2003) A Novel Feature Extraction Method – Wavelet-Fourier Analysis and Its Application to Glaucoma Classification, Proceedings of 7th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, 672-675.
- Mostafa, GH., Farag, AA., & Essock, EA. (2003) Multimodality image registration and using neural network, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, No.3, 235-240.
- Essock, EA, McCarley, JS, Sinai, MJ, and Krebs, WK. (2001) Sensor fusion and the perception of naturalistic stimuli. In, Human Factors in the Interpretation of Remote Sensing Imagery, RR Hoffman and AB Markman (Eds.), CRC Press, New York.
- Khang, B-G and Essock, EA. (2000) Apparent swinging motion from a 2-D sinusoidal pattern. Perception, 29, 453-459.
- Sinai, MJ, Essock, EA, and Fechtner, RD. (2000) Diffuse and localized nerve fiber layer loss measured with a scanning laser polarimeter: Sensitivity and specificity of detecting glaucoma. Journal of Glaucoma, 9, 154-162.
- Essock, EA, Fechtner, RD, Sinai, MJ, Srinivasan, A, and Bryant, FD. (2000) Fourier analysis of nerve fiber layer measurements from scanning laser polarimetry in glaucoma: Emphasizing the shape of the “Double-Hump” pattern. Journal of Glaucoma, 9, 444-452.
- Sinai, MJ, DeFord, JK, Purkiss, TJ and Essock, EA. (2000) Relevant spatial frequency information in the texture segmentation of night-vision imagery. Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Synthetic Enhanced Vision, 4023, 116-126.
- Krebs, WK, Essock EA, Buttrey, SE, Sinai, MJ, and Curran, PG. (2000) The oblique effect of chromatic contrast sensitivity. Perception, 29, 927-935.
Meeting Abstracts
- Kim, Y.J., Haun, A.M. and Essock, E.A. (2007) Anisotropic contrast sensitivity during viewing of broadband stimuli: Timing and tuning. Journal of Vision 7(6), (in press).
- Haun, A.M. and Essock, E.A. (2007) Anisotropic contrast gain inferred from broadband masking. Journal of Vision, 7(6) (in press).
- Haun, A.M., Hansen, B.C. and Essock, E.A. (2006) Aesthetics, Mondrians, and the horizontal effect. Journal of Vision, 6(6), 968.
- Gunvant, P., Zheng, Y., Parikh, R.S., Prabakaran, S., Babu, J.G.,Kumar, A.U., Chandrashekar, G., Thomas, R. and Essock, E.A. (2006) Analsysis of retinal nerve fiber layer data obtained by optical coherence tomography using Foppurier-based analysis. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Suppl., Abstract 3338.
- Essock, E.A., GUnvant, P., Zheng, Y., Parikh, R.S., Prabakaran, S., Babu, J.G., Kumar, A.U., Chandrashekar, G., and Thomas, R. (2006) Comparison of shape-based analysis of retinal nerve fiber layer data obtained from OCT and GDX-VCC. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Suppl., Abstract 3638.
- Hansen, B.C., Essock, E.A. and Haun, A.M. (2005) Psychophysical inferences about the interactions within and between sub-populations of striate neurons. Journal of Vision, 5(8), 479.
- Haun, A.M., Hansen, B.C., Kim, Y.J., and Essock, E.A. (2005) Sequential effects and stimulus response dependencies in an orientation identification task: Characterization of the Class 2 oblique effect. Journal of Vision, 5(8), 158.
- Gunvant, P., Zheng, Schlottmann, P.G., Garway-Heath, D., and Essock, EA. (2005) Comparison of OCT and VCC RNFL estimates in identifying glaucoma using wavelet-Fourier analysis. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Suppl., Abstract 2510.
- Zheng, Y., Essock, E.A., & Hansen, B.C. (2004) An advanced image fusion algorithm based on wavelet transform: Incorporation with PCA and morphological processing. IS&T/SPIE's 16th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging5298, p. 175.
- Essock, E.A., Hansen, B.C., Zheng, Y., Haun, A.M., & Gunvant, P. (2004). Mach bands in the orientation domain, Journal of Vision, 4(8), 778.
- Hansen, B.C., Essock, E.A., & Haun, A.M. (2004). Visual adaptation and its relation to the "horizontal effect": Implications for visual processing of broadband orientation content, Journal of Vision, 4(8), 528.
- Gunvant, P., Zheng, Y., Kotecha, A., Garway-Heath, D.F., and Essock, E.A. (2004) Predicting visual field progression using scanning laser polarimetry: Wavelet-Fourier analysis, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Suppl., Abstract 5504.
- Gunvant, P., Zheng, Y. and Essock, E.A. (2004) Wavelet-Fourier analysis on retinal nerve fiber layer polarimetry data in patients with early glaucoma. The Journal of the American Academy of Optometry, 81(12S), 5.
- Essock, E.A. and Hansen, B.C. (2003) Seeing the content before the horizon: Visual processing of orientation in natural scenes. Journal of Vision, 3(9), 517a.
- Hansen, B.C. and Essock, E.A. (2003) Human visual processing of orientation and the slope of the amplitude spectra of natural stimuli. Journal of Vision, 3(9), 516a.
- Hansen, B.C., DeFord, J.K. and Essock, E.A. (2003) When do humans show a horizontal effect instead of an oblique effect?: An analysis of visual anisotropy across breadth of orientation and spatial frequency broadband content. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Suppl., Abstract 4091.
- Essock, E.A., Zheng, Y., Fechtner, R.D., Liebmann, J.M.,Gollance, S. (2003) An Improved Method of Analyzing Polarimetery Measurements for Detecting Glaucoma: A Wavelet-Fourier Analysis Method Derived on GDx-VCC Polarimetry Data. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Suppl., Abstract .
- Gunvant, P, Chen, PP, Zheng, Y, Greenfield, D, Bagga, H, Bohem, MD, and Essock, EA. (2003) Predicting subsequent visual field loss in subjects with disc hemorrhage using RNFL polarimetry. Optometry and Vision Science, 80, 229.
- Sinai, M.J., Essock, E.A., Chen, P.P., Mills, R.P. (2002) Fourier Analysis of Polarimetry Data Indicates Structural Differences Between Normal-Tension Glaucoma and POAG, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Suppl., #302.
- Hansen, B.C., DeFord, J.K., Sinai, M.J., and Essock, E.A. (2002, May). Anisotropic processing of natural scenes depends on scene content. [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 2(7) 500a.
- DeFord, J.K., Hansen, B.C., Sinai, M.J., and Essock, E.A. (2002) Perceptual anisotropy in the salience of broadband image structure. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Suppl., #4721.
- Essock, EA, Sinai, MJ, Bryant, FD, Fechtner, RD, Chen, PP, and Mills, RP. (2001) Detection of glaucoma by Fourier analysis of polarimetry data using discriminant analysis. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Suppl., S135
- Sinai, MJ, Bowd, C, Essock, EA, Zangwill, LM, and Weinreb, RN. (2001) Fourier analysis of the RNFL in the diagnosis of glaucoma using OCT and GDx. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Suppl., S17.
- DeFord, JK, Hansen, BC, Sinai, MJ, and Essock, EA. (2001) The "Horizontal Effect": An anisotropy in processing natural scenes. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Suppl., S616.
- Bryant, FD, Sinai, MJ., Fechtner, RD, and Essock, EA. (2000) An extension of Fourier analysis techniques of nerve fiber layer measurements from scanning laser polarimetry. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Suppl., 41, 485.
- DeFord, JK, Sinai, MJ, Purkiss, TJ, and Essock, EA. (2000) Segmentation of nighttime real-world scenes. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Suppl., 41, 1159.