
Nursing students take the next step

More than 100 UofL nursing students will mark their entry into Upper Division during a transition ceremony Sunday, Sept. 18.

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Lynne A. Hall, RN, DrPH to lead nursing research at UofL

Lynne A. Hall, RN, DrPH, has been named associate dean of research at the University of Louisville School of Nursing, pending approval by the Board of Trustees. She will join the UofL faculty in November.

Lynne A. Hall, RN, DrPH to lead nursing research at UofL - Read More…

Students offer screenings, health information at Wayside Christian Mission

Students will offer blood sugar screening, blood pressure testing, and health information classes at Wayside Christian Mission this summer.

Students offer screenings, health information at Wayside Christian Mission - Read More…

Partners Reach Agreement, Commit to Bold Statewide Mission

The boards of University of Louisville Hospital/James Graham Brown Cancer Center, Jewish Hospital & St. Mary's HealthCare and Saint Joseph Health System have approved plans to form a health care delivery system to meet the needs of all people in Kentucky and beyond.

Partners Reach Agreement, Commit to Bold Statewide Mission - Read More…

McCarthy learns the secret to sucessful aging

People who feel a purpose in life and who can cope with change are poised to age successfully. That is what Valerie McCarthy, RN, PhD, found through her theory-based research.

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Logsdon talks about life as a maternity nurse and researcher

M. Cynthia Logsdon, DNP, WHNP, FAAN, associate chief of nursing for research, ULH/JGBCC, and professor, UofL School of Nursing spoke with about her professional career.

Logsdon talks about life as a maternity nurse and researcher - Read More…

UofL School of Nursing faculty collaborate with UofL Hospital and James Graham Brown Cancer Center nurses and doctors to improve patient care

May 11, 2011 - University of Louisville School of Nursing faculty are teaming up with UofL Hospital (ULH) and James Graham Brown Cancer Center (JGBCC) nurses and other multi-disciplinary health care team members to improve patient care and quality of life through clinical nursing research and evidence based practice projects.

UofL School of Nursing faculty collaborate with UofL Hospital and James Graham Brown Cancer Center nurses and doctors to improve patient care - Read More…

UofL nursing faculty honored for race track clinic success

Providing healthcare to the backside workers at Churchill Downs has been the passion of Whitney Nash, PhD, MSN, APRN-BC, assistant professor, University of Louisville School of Nursing, since 2005.

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Community Drug Toss - A Success!

April 15, 2011 - Nursing and public health students, along with other volunteers at UofL helped with the recent community-wide drug toss.

Community Drug Toss - A Success! - Read More…

Several faculty celebrate 30+ years

April 8, 2011 - This week, Dr. Karen Robinson was recognized for 35 years of contributions to the School of Nursing - an incredible commitment considering the school is only 37 years young.

Several faculty celebrate 30+ years - Read More…

Nursing doctoral student selected as a Paul Ambrose Scholar

April 5, 2011 - Xiaorong Wang is one of a few selected nationwide for the Paul Ambrose Scholars Program.

Nursing doctoral student selected as a Paul Ambrose Scholar - Read More…

Dr. Cindy Logsdon nominated for Sigma Theta Tau International award

April 5, 2011 - Dr. Logsdon has been nominated for the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, 2011 International Awards for Nursing Excellence.

Dr. Cindy Logsdon nominated for Sigma Theta Tau International award - Read More…

UofL School of Nursing graduate program ranks in the top 100 nationally

The UofL School of Nursing graduate program ranks 64th among nursing graduate programs, according to the latest U.S. News and World Report ranking.

UofL School of Nursing graduate program ranks in the top 100 nationally - Read More…

University of Louisville Pediatrics chairman makes a gift to the School of Nursing

Louisville, Ky. - March 11, 2011 - In honor of his mother, Carrie M. Rabalais, the chairman of UofL Pediatrics, Gerard Rabalais, M.D. MHA, has made a gift to the School of Nursing. The funds will be used for student scholarships.

University of Louisville Pediatrics chairman makes a gift to the School of Nursing - Read More…

UofL nursing student research spotlight

Find out how our undergraduate students are jumping into the world

UofL nursing student research spotlight - Read More…

Hines-Martin to be inducted into UK Hall of Fame

Vicki P. Hines-Martin, PhD, CNS, RN, FAAN, has been selected as a 2011 inductee into the University of Kentucky College of Nursing Hall of Fame.

Hines-Martin to be inducted into UK Hall of Fame - Read More…

University of Louisville students to showcase their research in Frankfort

LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Feb. 9 - More than a dozen University of Louisville undergraduate students, including three nursing students, will present their research projects to state lawmakers this week through Posters-at-the-Capitol.

University of Louisville students to showcase their research in Frankfort - Read More…

Controlling symptoms can lead to improved quality of life for end of life patients

Healthcare workers can most directly affect quality of life (QOL) of patients with advanced stage lung cancer by helping manage symptoms such as pain, lack of energy, shortness of breath, coughing, difficulty sleeping and dry mouth, according to a study recently published in the journal Oncology Nursing Forum.

Controlling symptoms can lead to improved quality of life for end of life patients - Read More…