KY AHEC Rotation Questionnaire
Dear Medical / Dental Students & Residents,
The Kentucky Area Health Education Centers -AHEC Program Office would like to invite you to take the time to complete a short questionaire about your past AHEC rotation in a rural and underserved area of Kentucky. Practicing healthcare in an underserved area of our State reaches many lives, and the information you provide our program office will aid us in continuing to provide these services and track our successful results.
As you move forward in your career, we hope you will maintain contact with the Uof L AHEC office or any of the eight Regional AHEC offices throughout the State to keep us informed of how you are doing, and what impacts you are making in serving the underserved communities of our Commonwealth. We always enjoy hearing about what UofL students and alumni are doing to make a difference in Kentucky's rural communities.
You may not be aware, but the Kentucky AHEC program exists with the financial help from Federal and State grants. These grants help pay student stipends for food, housing, and travel while on an AHEC rotation. Our funding partners have asked us to collect the following information. Please take time to complete this questionaire. Your participation is appreciated.
Please click on the Link to take the Questionaire:
KY AHEC Program Office Staff
Kelli Bullard-Dunn, MD, FACS, FASCRS, KY AHEC Program Director
Ron Welch, Program Manager
Lynn Daugherty, Administrative Associate
Brian Davis, Unit Business Manager