This program was approved for students entering the university in the Summer 2024–Spring 2025 catalog year. For more information about catalog year, go to Catalog Year Information.
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
Unit: College of Education and Human Development (ED)
Departments: Elementary, Middle & Secondary Teacher Education (EMSTEd) and Special Education, Early Childhood & Prevention Science (SECP)
Academic Plan Code(s): See Track Requirements tab
Program Information
The Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education has been designed to fulfill the requirements for the Kentucky teacher certification, grades P-5, which includes kindergarten. This degree offers candidates several options from which to choose including single certification in elementary (K-5), interdisciplinary early childhood (birth -age 5), and moderate and severe disabilities (P-12), as well as dual certifications in elementary and interdisciplinary early childhood, and elementary and special education (Learning Behavior Disorders [LBD] and Moderate and Severe Disabilities [MSD]). Teacher education candidates pursuing Elementary Education must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the areas of Language Arts/Reading, Mathematics, Science and Social Sciences along with the Arts and Humanities (e.g., music, art, movement/motion). If candidates choose a dual degree, then they must also demonstrate proficiency in that area as well.
All of the certifications offer extensive field experiences in local schools under the supervision and support from accomplished teachers and University of Louisville field placement supervisors.
Degree Summary
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
1 | 31 |
1 | 14 |
1 | 20 |
1,2 | 61-68 |
Minimum Total Hours | 120 |
Specific coursework information can be found on the Degree Requirements tab.
Departmental Admission Requirements
Admission to the Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education program requires the following:
- Minimum of 35 credit hours (can include hours in-progress during the semester applying)
- Minimum 2.75 or higher overall GPA, or a 3.0 in last 30 hours
- B-minus or better in all EDTP and EDSP courses
- Minimum test scores as required by the Education Professional Standards Board
- C or better in ENGL 102 (or equivalent) and in Oral Communication course
- Completion of Early Professional Courses
- Any other requirements as outlined in Application.
General Education Requirements
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
1 | 31 |
| |
EDTP 201 | The Teaching Profession - SB | |
EDTP 245 | Children's Literature - AH, D1 | |
| |
All degrees require the completion of the University-wide General Education Program (link provided above). Some General Education requirements may be met in the requirements for the major or supporting coursework, in which case additional electives may be required to complete the minimum hours for the degree.
The following are not degree requirements, but are required for teacher certification purposes. They are recommended by the program to fulfill General Education Requirements:
- Biology course and lab (S, SL)
- Physical Science course (S)
HIST 104 or HIST 105 are recommended by the program to fulfill the Social & Behavioral Historical Perspective General Education requirement.
College/School Requirements
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
EDTP 101 | First-Year Experience 1 | 1 |
EDTP 107 | Human Development and Learning | 3 |
EDTP 201 | The Teaching Profession - SB 2 | 3 |
EDTP 245 | Children's Literature - AH, D1 2 | 3 |
EDTP 249 | Practicum 1 | 1 |
EDTP 306 | Public Schools in America: Understanding our Past to Envision our Future | 3 |
Minimum Total Hours | 14 |
Mid-Point Assessment Prior to Elementary and Special Education Student Teaching
Completion of all EDTP and EDSP courses with no grade lower than "B-"; "Pass" in all clinical field work; Electronic documentation of 200 hours of diverse and approved field experiences; satisfactory dispositions assessment; satisfactory performance on all Hallmark Assessment Tasks; Target performance or better on all rubrics.
Program/Major Requirements
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
EDSP 260 | Classroom Behavior Management | 3 |
EDSP 345 | Special Populations in Schools | 3 |
EDSP 518 | Structured Literacy for Diverse Learners | 3 |
EDTP 215 | The Art of Instruction | 3 |
EDTP 279 | Practicum 2 | 1 |
EDTP 328 | Building Learning Communities | 3 |
EDTP 399 | Music, Art, and Motion in P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 477 | Capstone Student Teaching Seminar - CUE 4 | 1-3 |
Minimum Total Hours | 20 |
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
| 61-68 |
Degree Assessment
B-minus or better in student teaching and capstone courses; 2.75 overall GPA; all program courses with 3.0 cumulative GPA; satisfactory performance on all Hallmark Assessment Tasks; Target performance or better on all rubrics.
Certification Assessment
Satisfactory dispositions assessment; passing scores on PRAXIS content and PLT exams; completion of degree requirement.
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
| |
EDTP 477 | Capstone Student Teaching Seminar - CUE 4 | |
Elementary Tracks
Single-Area Certification Tracks
Track in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood (Birth - Age 5)
Academic Plan Code(s): EREDBSRIEC
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
EDSP 472 | Student Teaching in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education | 12 |
EDSP 240 | Introduction to Exceptional Children | 3 |
EDSP 300 | Creativity and the Young Child | 3 |
EDSP 427 | Inquiry into Early Childhood Education and Child Development | 3 |
EDSP 436 | Theories of Play | 3 |
EDSP 437 | Infant/Toddler Instruction and Care | 3 |
EDSP 438 | Emergent Curriculum | 3 |
EDSP 439 | Guidance for Young Children | 3 |
EDSP 542 | Guidance For Young Children Field Experience | 1 |
EDSP 515 | Communication and Socialization in Early Childhood | 3 |
EDSP 533 | Inclusive Early Childhood Curriculum | 3 |
EDSP 534 | Inclusive Early Childhood Curriculum Field Experience | 1 |
EDSP 583 | Early Childhood Special Education Assessment | 3 |
EDSP 584 | Families and Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education | 3 |
EDSP 585 | Families and Collaboration in IECE: Field Experience | 1 |
| 13 |
Minimum Total Hours | 61 |
Track in Elementary P-5 (Individualized Studies)
Academic Plan Code(s): EREDBSRINS
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
EDTP 450 | Student Teaching I: Elementary Education | 6 |
EDTP 452 | Student Teaching II: Elementary Education | 6 |
EDTP 311 | Introduction to Reading/Language Arts P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 313 | Math Methods 1 | 3 |
EDTP 320 | Methods for Teaching Reading/Language Arts, P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 322 | Social Studies Methods | 3 |
EDTP 324 | Science Methods P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 333 | Math Methods 2 | 3 |
EDTP 339 | Practicum 3 | 1 |
EDTP 389 | Practicum 4 | 2 |
EDTP 449 | Practicum 5 | 2 |
MATH 151 | Mathematics for Elementary Education I 1 | 3 |
MATH 152 | Mathematics for Elementary Education II 1 | 3 |
| |
| 2 |
Minimum Total Hours | 61 |
Track in Moderate and Severe Disabilities (P-12)
Academic Plan Code(s): EREDBSRMDD
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
EDSP 471 | Student Teaching, MSD | 12 |
EDSP 218 | Technology for Students with Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 240 | Introduction to Exceptional Children | 3 |
EDSP 294 | Teaching Individuals with Physical, Health and Multiple Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 395 | Autism: Science, Culture and Identity - SB | 3 |
EDSP 422 | Transition Programs and Services for Children and Youth with Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 440 | Moderate/Severe Disabilities Curriculum and Methods II | 3 |
EDSP 443 | Instructional Methods for Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 444 | Moderate/Severe Disabilities Practicum | 3 |
EDSP 450 | Moderate and Severe Disabilities Practicum II | 3 |
EDSP 447 | Teaching Mathematics to Students with Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 510 | Legal Issues in Special Education | 3 |
EDSP 520 | Assessment of Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 546 | Behavior Analytic Approach to Communication | 3 |
EDSP 584 | Families and Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education | 3 |
| 7 |
Minimum Total Hours | 61 |
Dual Certification Tracks
Track in Elementary (P-5) and Interdisciplinary Early Childhood (Birth-Age 5)
Academic Plan Code(s): EREDBSRECE
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
EDTP 450 | Student Teaching I: Elementary Education | 6 |
EDSP 472 | Student Teaching in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education | 6 |
EDTP 311 | Introduction to Reading/Language Arts P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 313 | Math Methods 1 | 3 |
EDTP 320 | Methods for Teaching Reading/Language Arts, P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 322 | Social Studies Methods | 3 |
EDTP 324 | Science Methods P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 333 | Math Methods 2 | 3 |
EDTP 339 | Practicum 3 | 1 |
EDTP 389 | Practicum 4 | 2 |
EDTP 449 | Practicum 5 | 2 |
MATH 151 | Mathematics for Elementary Education I 1 | 3 |
MATH 152 | Mathematics for Elementary Education II 1 | 3 |
EDSP 300 | Creativity and the Young Child | 3 |
EDSP 436 | Theories of Play | 3 |
EDSP 437 | Infant/Toddler Instruction and Care | 3 |
EDSP 439 | Guidance for Young Children | 3 |
EDSP 515 | Communication and Socialization in Early Childhood | 3 |
EDSP 533 | Inclusive Early Childhood Curriculum | 3 |
EDSP 534 | Inclusive Early Childhood Curriculum Field Experience | 1 |
EDSP 583 | Early Childhood Special Education Assessment | 3 |
EDSP 584 | Families and Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education | 3 |
Minimum Total Hours | 66 |
Track in Elementary (P-5) and Learning and Behavior Disorders (P-12)
Academic Plan Code(s): EREDBSRELB
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
EDSP 470 | Student Teaching, LBD | 6 |
EDTP 450 | Student Teaching I: Elementary Education | 6 |
EDTP 311 | Introduction to Reading/Language Arts P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 313 | Math Methods 1 | 3 |
EDTP 320 | Methods for Teaching Reading/Language Arts, P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 322 | Social Studies Methods | 3 |
EDTP 324 | Science Methods P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 333 | Math Methods 2 | 3 |
EDTP 339 | Practicum 3 | 1 |
EDTP 389 | Practicum 4 | 2 |
EDTP 449 | Practicum 5 | 2 |
MATH 151 | Mathematics for Elementary Education I 1 | 3 |
MATH 152 | Mathematics for Elementary Education II 1 | 3 |
EDSP 218 | Technology for Students with Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 240 | Introduction to Exceptional Children | 3 |
EDSP 422 | Transition Programs and Services for Children and Youth with Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 442 | Practicum: Learning and Behavior Disorders | 3 |
EDSP 451 | Learning and Behavior Disorders Practicum II | 3 |
EDSP 510 | Legal Issues in Special Education | 3 |
EDSP 512 | Methods for Students with Learning and Behavior Disorders | 3 |
EDSP 516 | Assessment Procedures for Students with Learning & Behavior Disorders | 3 |
Minimum Total Hours | 65 |
Track in Elementary (P-5) and Moderate and Severe Disabilities (P-12)
Academic Plan Code(s): EREDBSRMSD
Course List Code | Title | Hours |
EDSP 471 | Student Teaching, MSD | 6 |
EDTP 450 | Student Teaching I: Elementary Education | 6 |
EDTP 311 | Introduction to Reading/Language Arts P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 313 | Math Methods 1 | 3 |
EDTP 320 | Methods for Teaching Reading/Language Arts, P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 322 | Social Studies Methods | 3 |
EDTP 324 | Science Methods P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 333 | Math Methods 2 | 3 |
EDTP 339 | Practicum 3 | 1 |
EDTP 389 | Practicum 4 | 2 |
EDTP 449 | Practicum 5 | 2 |
MATH 151 | Mathematics for Elementary Education I 1 | 3 |
MATH 152 | Mathematics for Elementary Education II 1 | 3 |
EDSP 218 | Technology for Students with Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 240 | Introduction to Exceptional Children | 3 |
EDSP 422 | Transition Programs and Services for Children and Youth with Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 440 | Moderate/Severe Disabilities Curriculum and Methods II | 3 |
EDSP 443 | Instructional Methods for Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 444 | Moderate/Severe Disabilities Practicum | 3 |
EDSP 450 | Moderate and Severe Disabilities Practicum II | 3 |
EDSP 520 | Assessment of Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 546 | Behavior Analytic Approach to Communication | 3 |
Minimum Total Hours | 68 |
Flight Plan
Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (Birth - Age 5)
Plan of Study Grid Year 1 |
Fall |
EDTP 101 | First-Year Experience | 1 |
EDTP 201 | The Teaching Profession - SB | 3 |
ENGL 101 | Introduction to College Writing - WC | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| 1 |
| 1 |
| Hours | 15 |
Spring |
EDSP 240 | Introduction to Exceptional Children | 3 |
ENGL 102 | Intermediate College Writing - WC | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 15 |
Year 2 |
Fall |
EDSP 436 | Theories of Play | 3 |
EDTP 107 | Human Development and Learning | 3 |
EDTP 245 | Children's Literature - AH, D1 | 3 |
EDTP 249 | Practicum 1 | 1 |
EDTP 306 | Public Schools in America: Understanding our Past to Envision our Future | 3 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 300 | Creativity and the Young Child | 3 |
EDSP 437 | Infant/Toddler Instruction and Care | 3 |
EDTP 215 | The Art of Instruction | 3 |
EDTP 279 | Practicum 2 | 1 |
EDTP 328 | Building Learning Communities | 3 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Year 3 |
Fall |
EDSP 345 | Special Populations in Schools | 3 |
EDSP 427 | Inquiry into Early Childhood Education and Child Development | 3 |
EDSP 438 | Emergent Curriculum | 3 |
EDSP 439 | Guidance for Young Children | 3 |
EDSP 542 | Guidance For Young Children Field Experience | 1 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 260 | Classroom Behavior Management | 3 |
EDSP 518 | Structured Literacy for Diverse Learners | 3 |
EDSP 533 | Inclusive Early Childhood Curriculum | 3 |
EDSP 534 | Inclusive Early Childhood Curriculum Field Experience | 1 |
EDSP 584 | Families and Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education | 3 |
EDSP 585 | Families and Collaboration in IECE: Field Experience | 1 |
| Hours | 14 |
Year 4 |
Fall |
EDSP 515 | Communication and Socialization in Early Childhood | 3 |
EDSP 583 | Early Childhood Special Education Assessment | 3 |
EDTP 399 | Music, Art, and Motion in P-5 | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 15 |
Spring |
EDSP 472 | Student Teaching in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education | 12 |
EDTP 477 | Capstone Student Teaching Seminar - CUE 1 | 1-3 |
| Hours | 13 |
| Minimum Total Hours | 120 |
Elementary P-5 (Individualized Studies)
Plan of Study Grid Year 1 |
Fall |
EDTP 101 | First-Year Experience | 1 |
ENGL 101 | Introduction to College Writing - WC | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDTP 201 | The Teaching Profession - SB | 3 |
ENGL 102 | Intermediate College Writing - WC | 3 |
MATH 151 | Mathematics for Elementary Education I | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| 1 |
| Hours | 16 |
Year 2 |
Fall |
EDTP 107 | Human Development and Learning | 3 |
EDTP 245 | Children's Literature - AH, D1 | 3 |
EDTP 249 | Practicum 1 | 1 |
EDTP 306 | Public Schools in America: Understanding our Past to Envision our Future | 3 |
MATH 152 | Mathematics for Elementary Education II | 3 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDTP 215 | The Art of Instruction | 3 |
EDTP 279 | Practicum 2 | 1 |
EDTP 311 | Introduction to Reading/Language Arts P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 328 | Building Learning Communities | 3 |
| 3 |
| 2 |
| Hours | 15 |
Year 3 |
Fall |
EDSP 345 | Special Populations in Schools | 3 |
EDTP 322 | Social Studies Methods | 3 |
EDTP 324 | Science Methods P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 339 | Practicum 3 | 1 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 260 | Classroom Behavior Management | 3 |
EDSP 518 | Structured Literacy for Diverse Learners | 3 |
EDTP 313 | Math Methods 1 | 3 |
EDTP 389 | Practicum 4 | 2 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 14 |
Year 4 |
Fall |
EDTP 320 | Methods for Teaching Reading/Language Arts, P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 333 | Math Methods 2 | 3 |
EDTP 399 | Music, Art, and Motion in P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 449 | Practicum 5 | 2 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 14 |
Spring |
EDTP 450 | Student Teaching I: Elementary Education | 6 |
EDTP 452 | Student Teaching II: Elementary Education | 6 |
EDTP 477 | Capstone Student Teaching Seminar - CUE 1 | 1-3 |
| Hours | 13 |
| Minimum Total Hours | 120 |
Moderate and Severe Disabilities (P-12)
Plan of Study Grid Year 1 |
Fall |
EDTP 101 | First-Year Experience | 1 |
EDTP 201 | The Teaching Profession - SB | 3 |
ENGL 101 | Introduction to College Writing - WC | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 240 | Introduction to Exceptional Children | 3 |
ENGL 102 | Intermediate College Writing - WC | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| 1 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Year 2 |
Fall |
EDSP 294 | Teaching Individuals with Physical, Health and Multiple Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 395 | Autism: Science, Culture and Identity - SB | 3 |
EDTP 107 | Human Development and Learning | 3 |
EDTP 245 | Children's Literature - AH, D1 | 3 |
EDTP 249 | Practicum 1 | 1 |
EDTP 306 | Public Schools in America: Understanding our Past to Envision our Future | 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 218 | Technology for Students with Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 260 | Classroom Behavior Management | 3 |
EDSP 422 | Transition Programs and Services for Children and Youth with Disabilities | 3 |
EDTP 215 | The Art of Instruction | 3 |
EDTP 279 | Practicum 2 | 1 |
EDTP 328 | Building Learning Communities | 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Year 3 |
Fall |
EDSP 345 | Special Populations in Schools | 3 |
EDSP 443 | Instructional Methods for Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 444 | Moderate/Severe Disabilities Practicum | 3 |
EDSP 520 | Assessment of Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities | 3 |
| Hours | 12 |
Spring |
EDSP 440 | Moderate/Severe Disabilities Curriculum and Methods II | 3 |
EDSP 450 | Moderate and Severe Disabilities Practicum II | 3 |
EDSP 546 | Behavior Analytic Approach to Communication | 3 |
EDSP 510 | Legal Issues in Special Education | 3 |
EDSP 584 | Families and Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education | 3 |
| 1 |
| Hours | 16 |
Year 4 |
Fall |
EDSP 447 | Teaching Mathematics to Students with Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 518 | Structured Literacy for Diverse Learners | 3 |
EDTP 399 | Music, Art, and Motion in P-5 | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 15 |
Spring |
EDSP 471 | Student Teaching, MSD | 12 |
EDTP 477 | Capstone Student Teaching Seminar - CUE 1 | 1-3 |
| Hours | 13 |
| Minimum Total Hours | 120 |
Elementary (P-5) and Interdisciplinary Early Childhood (Birth - Age 5)
Plan of Study Grid Year 1 |
Fall |
EDTP 101 | First-Year Experience | 1 |
EDTP 201 | The Teaching Profession - SB | 3 |
ENGL 101 | Introduction to College Writing - WC | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 300 | Creativity and the Young Child | 3 |
ENGL 102 | Intermediate College Writing - WC | 3 |
MATH 151 | Mathematics for Elementary Education I | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| 1 |
| Hours | 16 |
Year 2 |
Fall |
EDSP 436 | Theories of Play | 3 |
EDTP 107 | Human Development and Learning | 3 |
EDTP 245 | Children's Literature - AH, D1 | 3 |
EDTP 249 | Practicum 1 | 1 |
EDTP 306 | Public Schools in America: Understanding our Past to Envision our Future | 3 |
MATH 152 | Mathematics for Elementary Education II | 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 437 | Infant/Toddler Instruction and Care | 3 |
EDTP 215 | The Art of Instruction | 3 |
EDTP 279 | Practicum 2 | 1 |
EDTP 311 | Introduction to Reading/Language Arts P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 328 | Building Learning Communities | 3 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Year 3 |
Fall |
EDSP 439 | Guidance for Young Children | 3 |
EDSP 515 | Communication and Socialization in Early Childhood | 3 |
EDSP 583 | Early Childhood Special Education Assessment | 3 |
EDTP 322 | Social Studies Methods | 3 |
EDTP 324 | Science Methods P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 339 | Practicum 3 | 1 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 518 | Structured Literacy for Diverse Learners | 3 |
EDSP 533 | Inclusive Early Childhood Curriculum | 3 |
EDSP 534 | Inclusive Early Childhood Curriculum Field Experience | 1 |
EDSP 584 | Families and Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education | 3 |
EDTP 313 | Math Methods 1 | 3 |
EDTP 389 | Practicum 4 | 2 |
| Hours | 15 |
Year 4 |
Fall |
EDSP 260 | Classroom Behavior Management | 3 |
EDSP 345 | Special Populations in Schools | 3 |
EDTP 320 | Methods for Teaching Reading/Language Arts, P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 333 | Math Methods 2 | 3 |
EDTP 399 | Music, Art, and Motion in P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 449 | Practicum 5 | 2 |
| Hours | 17 |
Spring |
EDTP 450 | Student Teaching I: Elementary Education | 6 |
EDSP 472 | Student Teaching in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education | 6 |
EDTP 477 | Capstone Student Teaching Seminar - CUE 1 | 1-3 |
| Hours | 13 |
| Minimum Total Hours | 125 |
Elementary (P-5) and Learning and Behavior Disorders (P-12)
Plan of Study Grid Year 1 |
Fall |
EDTP 101 | First-Year Experience | 1 |
EDTP 201 | The Teaching Profession - SB | 3 |
ENGL 101 | Introduction to College Writing - WC | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 240 | Introduction to Exceptional Children | 3 |
ENGL 102 | Intermediate College Writing - WC | 3 |
MATH 151 | Mathematics for Elementary Education I | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| 1 |
| Hours | 16 |
Year 2 |
Fall |
EDSP 260 | Classroom Behavior Management | 3 |
EDTP 107 | Human Development and Learning | 3 |
EDTP 245 | Children's Literature - AH, D1 | 3 |
EDTP 249 | Practicum 1 | 1 |
EDTP 306 | Public Schools in America: Understanding our Past to Envision our Future | 3 |
MATH 152 | Mathematics for Elementary Education II | 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 218 | Technology for Students with Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 422 | Transition Programs and Services for Children and Youth with Disabilities | 3 |
EDTP 215 | The Art of Instruction | 3 |
EDTP 279 | Practicum 2 | 1 |
EDTP 311 | Introduction to Reading/Language Arts P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 328 | Building Learning Communities | 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Year 3 |
Fall |
EDSP 442 | Practicum: Learning and Behavior Disorders | 3 |
EDSP 512 | Methods for Students with Learning and Behavior Disorders | 3 |
EDSP 516 | Assessment Procedures for Students with Learning & Behavior Disorders | 3 |
EDTP 322 | Social Studies Methods | 3 |
EDTP 324 | Science Methods P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 339 | Practicum 3 | 1 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 451 | Learning and Behavior Disorders Practicum II | 3 |
EDSP 510 | Legal Issues in Special Education | 3 |
EDSP 518 | Structured Literacy for Diverse Learners | 3 |
EDTP 313 | Math Methods 1 | 3 |
EDTP 389 | Practicum 4 | 2 |
| Hours | 14 |
Year 4 |
Fall |
EDSP 345 | Special Populations in Schools | 3 |
EDTP 320 | Methods for Teaching Reading/Language Arts, P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 333 | Math Methods 2 | 3 |
EDTP 399 | Music, Art, and Motion in P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 449 | Practicum 5 | 2 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 17 |
Spring |
EDSP 470 | Student Teaching, LBD | 6 |
EDTP 450 | Student Teaching I: Elementary Education | 6 |
EDTP 477 | Capstone Student Teaching Seminar - CUE 1 | 1-3 |
| Hours | 13 |
| Minimum Total Hours | 124 |
Elementary (P-5) and Moderate and Severe Disabilities (P-12)
Plan of Study Grid Year 1 |
Fall |
EDTP 101 | First-Year Experience | 1 |
EDTP 201 | The Teaching Profession - SB | 3 |
ENGL 101 | Introduction to College Writing - WC | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 240 | Introduction to Exceptional Children | 3 |
ENGL 102 | Intermediate College Writing - WC | 3 |
MATH 151 | Mathematics for Elementary Education I | 3 |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| 1 |
| Hours | 16 |
Year 2 |
Fall |
EDSP 422 | Transition Programs and Services for Children and Youth with Disabilities | 3 |
EDTP 107 | Human Development and Learning | 3 |
EDTP 245 | Children's Literature - AH, D1 | 3 |
EDTP 249 | Practicum 1 | 1 |
EDTP 306 | Public Schools in America: Understanding our Past to Envision our Future | 3 |
MATH 152 | Mathematics for Elementary Education II | 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 218 | Technology for Students with Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 260 | Classroom Behavior Management | 3 |
EDTP 215 | The Art of Instruction | 3 |
EDTP 279 | Practicum 2 | 1 |
EDTP 311 | Introduction to Reading/Language Arts P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 328 | Building Learning Communities | 3 |
| Hours | 16 |
Year 3 |
Fall |
EDSP 443 | Instructional Methods for Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities | 3 |
EDSP 444 | Moderate/Severe Disabilities Practicum | 3 |
EDSP 520 | Assessment of Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities | 3 |
EDTP 322 | Social Studies Methods | 3 |
EDTP 324 | Science Methods P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 339 | Practicum 3 | 1 |
| Hours | 16 |
Spring |
EDSP 440 | Moderate/Severe Disabilities Curriculum and Methods II | 3 |
EDSP 450 | Moderate and Severe Disabilities Practicum II | 3 |
EDSP 518 | Structured Literacy for Diverse Learners | 3 |
EDSP 546 | Behavior Analytic Approach to Communication | 3 |
EDTP 313 | Math Methods 1 | 3 |
EDTP 389 | Practicum 4 | 2 |
| Hours | 17 |
Year 4 |
Fall |
EDSP 345 | Special Populations in Schools | 3 |
EDTP 320 | Methods for Teaching Reading/Language Arts, P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 333 | Math Methods 2 | 3 |
EDTP 399 | Music, Art, and Motion in P-5 | 3 |
EDTP 449 | Practicum 5 | 2 |
| 3 |
| Hours | 17 |
Spring |
EDSP 471 | Student Teaching, MSD | 6 |
EDTP 450 | Student Teaching I: Elementary Education | 6 |
EDTP 477 | Capstone Student Teaching Seminar - CUE 1 | 1-3 |
| Hours | 13 |
| Minimum Total Hours | 127 |
The Flight Plan outlined above is intended to demonstrate one possible path to completing the degree within four years. Course selection and placement within the program may vary depending on course offerings and schedule, elective preferences, and other factors (study abroad, internship availability, etc.). Please consult your advisor for additional information about building a flight plan that works for you.
Degree Audit Report
Degree Audit reports illustrate how your completed courses fulfill the requirements of your academic plan, and which requirements are still outstanding. Degree audits also take transfer credits and test credits into account. "What-if" reports allow you to compare the courses you have completed in your current academic plan to the courses required in another academic plan. Should you have questions about either report, please consult with your academic advisor.
Flight Planner
The Flight Planner tool is available for you to create a personalized Flight Plan to graduation. Advisors have access to review your Flight Planner and can help you adjust it to ensure you remain on track to graduate in a timely manner.
To create these reports:
- Log into your ULink account.
- Click on the Academic Progress tile.
- Select the appropriate report.
- To run a Degree Audit report, click on "View my Degree Audit."
- To create a What-if report, click on "Create a What-if Advisement Report."
- To run a Flight Planner report, click on "Use My Flight Planner."
Click here to run a Degree Audit report, create a What-if report, or run a Flight Planner report.