Community Engagement

Addressing the needs and interests of our communities locally, statewide, nationally and internationally.

Community-Engaged Scholarship: A Faculty Handbook

The Office of Community Engagement in collaboration with the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs launched a faculty handbook on engaged scholarship. The handbook, Community-Engaged Scholarship: A Faculty Handbook, was developed over a two-year period by a team of faculty representing various colleges and schools from across the University. The team looked at the work of other institutions as well as the recommendations of the National Review Board in developing the handbook. The Purpose of the Handbook is to:

•             Educate faculty about community engagement and engaged scholarship

•             Provide recommendations and suggestions for documenting scholarly products resulting from community-engaged work

•             Provide suggestions and recommendations for reviewers in units where this work is approved

•             Prepare the University for the Carnegie Community Engagement reaffirmation in 2024

A copy of Community-Engaged Scholarship: A Faculty Handbook may be downloaded here. Individuals or units interested in learning more about using the handbook may contact the Office of Community Engagement.

Community Engagement

University of Louisville

2309 S 3rd St

Louisville, KY 40208

(502) 852-6026

Office Hours

M-F 8:30am to 5:00pm

No holiday hours

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