Community Engagement

Addressing the needs and interests of our communities locally, statewide, nationally and internationally.

Community Engagement

Background on Community Engagement

Steering Committee

Awards and Opportunities

This glossary of terms was developed and recommended by the community engagement steering committee and approved by the Provost.  It is designed to provide common language for the University of Louisville in community engagement.  Different terms such as public outreach/engagement and civic engagement are used to identify community engagement work across higher education and consequently lead to confusion.  It is the intention that having a common language across the university will minimize confusion.  You will note that community-based learning (CBL) courses include a number of teaching and learning strategies.  A few terms such as field placement and practicum may be defined differently based on the discipline in which they are used.  As a result, no standard definition is provided for these terms.  They are to be defined according to the discipline that uses such terms.

University-wide Initiatives

Community Engagement

University of Louisville

2309 S 3rd St

Louisville, KY 40208

(502) 852-6026

Office Hours

M-F 8:30am to 5:00pm

No holiday hours

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