University of Louisville
2309 S 3rd St
Louisville, KY 40208
Community Engagement
Addressing the needs and interests of our communities locally, statewide, nationally and internationally.
The purpose of the Community Engagement Steering Committee is to advance university-wide community engagement by serving as an internal advisory committee for the Office of the President and Provost on matters pertaining to community engagement of faculty, staff and students. The committee provides advice and support to the Office of Community Engagement on matters related to the coordination, tracking/documentation, assessment, and recognition of community engagement of faculty, staff and students.
The University of Louisville has committed to establishing and maintaining an institution-wide coordinating infrastructure that supports and advances the community engagement of faculty, staff and students. The Office of Community Engagement has university wide administrative responsibility for coordinating community engagement. This internal steering committee is composed of Provost appointed representatives from academic and administrative units across the university to advise and support university-wide coordination. The committee is co-chaired by Vice President Daniel Hall and Vice Dean for Community Engagement and Diversity, Dr. Kelli Dunn. Membership will be reviewed periodically to ensure that the committee has proper and adequate representation.
Community Engagement Action Plan (Word document) - Developed by the Steering Committee to serve as a guide for advancing engaged scholarship (teaching and research) of faculty, engaged learning opportunities for students, and engaged service of students, faculty, and staff.
Follow this link to view the committee roster (Word Document)