Caleb King wins Honorable Mention in ASA Student Poster Competition

The APP Lab was busy at ASA, with Christian, Anya, and Caleb all presenting their posters on the same day. Anya went first, presenting “Talker adaptation or ‘talker’ adaptation? Exploring the role of musical instrument variability in perceiving pitch” (top photo) to a steady stream of colleagues in the morning session. In the afternoon, Christian was busy presenting “Clearly, fame isn’t everything: Talker familiarity does not mitigate the perceptual consequences of talker variability”  (not pictured because he was busy taking pictures) right next to Caleb, whose presentation of “Talker and sentence variability attenuates speaking rate normalization in speech perception” (bottom photo) won Honorable Mention in the Speech Communication TC Student Poster Competition! Congratulations, Caleb!