Cheri A Levinson, PhD


Dr. Levinson will be considering applications for the 2025-2026 academic year. The best fit will be students who have worked 1-2 years as a research coordinator or have a masters. I am looking for students who are interested in working with existing data on a) the personalization of treatment using idiographic methods, b) the adaptation of exposure therapy to eating disorders, and/or c) analysis of data from wearable sensors. 

Cheri Levinson picture

Life Sciences Building, 312
(502) 852-7710


  • Ph.D., 2015, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Clinical Internship 2014-2015 University of North Carolina Center of Excellence in Eating Disorders
  • Post-doctoral Training 2015-2016 Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine

Research Interests

Eating Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Comorbidity, Treatment Development, Exposure Therapy, Anorexia Nervosa, Personalized Treatment, Fears of Weight Gain, Mobile Interventions, Network Analysis; Idiographic Methods

Graduate Applicants

Dr. Levinson will accept a graduate student to join the lab in Fall 2025. A good fit applicant would be someone with at least one (preferably 2) years of experience in eating disorder (or related) research post-undergraduate.

To learn more about what it is like to be a graduate student in the lab please see here: Prospective Graduate Students - EAT LAB (

Representative Publications

*denotes graduate student

*Cusack, C.E., Ralph-Nearman, C., *Christian, C., Fisher, A.J. & Levinson, C.A. (In press). Understanding heterogeneity, comorbidity, and variability in depression: Idiographic models and depression outcomes. Journal of Affective Disorders.
Ralph-Nearman, C., *Rae, J., Levinson, C.A. (2024, in press).  Using Clinician and Patient Input to Assess Utility, Accuracy, Efficiency, and Therapeutic Implementation of a New Data-driven Digital Therapeutic for Personalized Clinical Eating Disorder Treatment: Awaken Digital Guide.  Psychotherapy Research.
*Penwell, T. E., *Bedard, S. P., Erye, R., & Levinson, C. A. (in press). Eating Disorder Treatment Access Climate in the United States: Perceived Inequities Among Reported Treatment Seekers. Psychiatric Services.

*Williams, B. M., *Brown, M. L., & Levinson, C. A. (in press). Within-session mechanisms of change in eating disorder symptoms and core eating disorder fears during an online imaginal exposure treatment for eating disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders. 

Levinson, C.A., *Christian, C., Becker, C. B. (in press). How Idiographic Methodologies Can Move the Clinical Science Field Forward to Integrate Personalized Treatment into Every-day Clinical Care and Improve Treatment Outcomes. Clinical Psychological Science.  

Levinson, C. A., +Fitterman-Harris, H. F., Patterson, S., Harrop, E., Turner, C., May, M., Steinberg, D., Muhlheim, L., Millner, R., Trujillo-ChiVacuan, E., Averyt, J., Peebles, R., Rosenbluth, S., & Becker, C. B. (2023). The Unintentional Harms of Weight Management Treatment: Time for a Change. The Behavior Therapist, 46, 7.

Levinson, C.A., *Williams, B. M., *Christian, C., *Hunt, R.A., *Keshishian, A.C., *Brosof, L.C., *Vanzhula, I.A., *Davis, G.D., *Brown, M.L., *Bridges-Curry, Z., **Sandoval-Araujo, L.E., & +Ralph-Nearman, C. (2023). Personalizing eating disorder treatment using idiographic models: An open series trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 91(1), 14-28.