
Class of 2025 Thesis Students

Hannah Stewart | Mentor: Alan F. Smith, EdD, CCC/SLP

Brittany Smiley | Mentor: Suzanne King, PhD, CCC/SLP

Research Labs/Projects

Parent-Child Interaction and Language Learning Lab

Suzanne King, PhD Lab

Improving Enteral Nutrition Among Patients with Head and Neck Cancer

Laboratory for Airway Protection

Research Resources

Kornhauser Library (Special Guides for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

CSD RIP (Research-in-Progress) Seminars

RIP seminars are held once a month from 12:00-1:00pm and are mandatory for all CSD students. The virtual seminars are short presentations that cover current or proposed research conducted by faculty and/or students in the program. Guest speakers are also frequently invited to attend to present their projects as well. The RIP seminars were created and are managed by

**Attention CSD Students**

CSD students who are interested in completing theses or who are just interested in getting involved in research at UofL should consult the Faculty and Staff portion of the program's website to see faculty interests/topics. Students may also request a meeting with a Research Advisor to dialogue about possible opportunities by sending an email from one of the following two options:

[1] I think I want to do a thesis but need some advice.

[2] I am not interested in completing a thesis but want to be involved in research at UofL and don't know where to begin.