Education Law
- Professor Sweeny presents papers at Seattle, Memphis events
- Brandeis students receive hands-on lessons in employment and labor law
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- Professor Laura Rothstein named to Campus Law Considered advisory board
- Caitlin Grimes
- Amy Armstrong-Reyes
- Kenan Mujkanovic
- Lonita K. Baker
- Dean Duncan takes flight for Boss Lift Day
- Rebeca Simpson ('99) named partner at ELPO
- Mark Gomsak ('07) named partner at Fisher Phillips
- Brandeis Spotlight: Prof. Cedric Powell
- We're introducing you to the people who make Brandeis great. center center
- Privacy Law
- Privacy Laws relate to an individual or business entity's expectation to be left free from scrutiny or public exposure by either the government or other members of the public.
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- Eight Brandeis Law professors named Faculty Favorites at UofL
- Melodie Hawkins
- From class project to practical manual for veterans
- Brandeis Law student to spend summer working on late-night TV
- Prof. Maynard attended Economics Institute for Law Professors
- Prof. Sweeny weighs in on First Amendment, Twitter and Trump