Part-Time Enrollment Adjustment
Initial awarding by our office is made assuming you will attend UofL at full-time status for the fall and spring terms. Full-time is at least 12 hours for undergraduates and at least 9 for graduate students for the fall and spring terms.
Awards are reevaluated for students attending less-than full-time after the census date for the fall and spring terms. The census date coincides with the last date of drop/add as published on the University’s academic calendar on the Registrar’s Office website.
To request an aid adjustment for less-than full-time enrollment, complete the Part-time Aid Adjustment Request form when available for the respective term. The form is typically available four to five weeks prior to the start of the fall and spring terms. This form must be completed each fall and spring term that you are enrolled less-than full-time.
To access the Part-Time Aid Adjustment Request form:
- Log in to your ULink account
- On the 'Student Homepage', select the 'Financial Aid' tile
- On the left-hand menu, select 'Part-time Aid Adjustment Req'
If you attend less-than full-time and do not complete the Part-Time Aid Adjustment Request form, your aid will not be evaluated for potential necessary adjustments nor disbursement until after the last day to drop and receive a 100% tuition credit for regular courses. You must be enrolled at least half-time to receive federal loans and funds from the vast majority of aid programs. Half-time enrollment is considered 6 hours for undergraduate students and 4.5 hours for graduate/professional students during the fall and spring terms.