As part of a premier metropolitan research university, the Ph.D. program in Curriculum and Instruction prepares students for faculty positions in research and teacher education and leadership roles in schools and agencies. In this program, students work collaboratively with faculty to develop an individualized program of study based on their area(s) of interest. Some interests may not neatly fit into a particular area, but our Ph.D. program is designed to flexibly adapt to many contexts and interests. The program also is flexible for both working professionals and full-time students.
Common specializations areas include (1) Languages, Literacies, Cultures, and Communities (L2C2); (2) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM); and (3) Special Education.
The Languages, Literacies, Cultures, and Communities (L2C2) specialization operates on the belief that languages, literacies, cultures, and communities are powerful, transformative, political, and multimodal. Faculty are committed to creating opportunities to think and investigate teaching and learning across the life span both in and out of school settings from a critical sociocultural perspective. L2C2 provides a wide variety of courses and experiences focused on theory, research, equity, and practice about identities, diversity, oral and written language, and culture, including the study of reading and writing processes, culturally sustaining pedagogies, digital literacies, early childhood education, and discourse analysis, among many.
The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education program prepares future researchers/scholars and educators to become leaders in Mathematics Education, Science Education and/or STEM Education. Courses and experiences in the PhdD program are focused on theory, research, equity, and practice in STEM education. By engaging in research and teaching experiences with nationally-recognized leaders in STEM education, you will develop expertise related to: (1) how P-20 students think, learn, and develop within educational settings, (2) theoretical approaches to curriculum and instruction, (3) designing, implementing, and publishing academic research.
The Special Education program's doctoral specialization adheres to the principal of evidence-based practice,. We believe that all students can learn, regardless of ability or disability, and that we are responsible for basing practice on the best available scientific evidence. Students in this specialization will develop skills in generating new knowledge through conducting research so that they can add to our evidence base. Students also will develop skills in synthesizing existing evidence and translating research into practice; this takes the form of teaching preservice teachers, providing professional development in schools, and authoring practitioner-focused publications.
The next information session will be held on March 24th, 2023 from 5:00pm to 6:00pm via Microsoft Teams. Please click here for the link to the session.
Contact Dr. Susan Peters , 502-852-0579, with questions about the program. Information sessions are scheduled throughout the year. The next session dates will be announced soon.
Please contact the program advisor for detailed information about program curriculum as it is subject to change.
Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction
Unit: College of Education and Human Development (GE)
Department: Elementary, Middle and Secondary Teacher Education and Special Education, Early Childhood and Prevention Science
Program Webpage
Academic Plan Code: C&I_PHD
The doctoral degree is granted in recognition of scholarly proficiency and distinctive achievement in a specific field/discipline. All candidates for a doctoral degree in the College of Education and Human Development must successfully complete qualifying exams and a dissertation/professional portfolio that clearly indicates the candidate has mastered and can exhibit/articulate the content knowledge, skills, and dispositions specific to their discipline and can utilize appropriate research methodologies to contribute to the body of knowledge in their field.
A master's degree in a related field is a required prerequisite to the Doctoral Program in Curriculum and Instruction. All students must meet competencies in research, teaching and teacher education, and stewardship of the profession. Students also choose one of the following areas of emphasis and develop knowledge specific to their discipline.
The Languages, Literacies, Cultures, and Communities (L2C2) emphasis operates on the belief that languages, literacies, cultures, and communities are powerful, transformative, political, and multimodal. Faculty are committed to creating opportunities to think and investigate teaching and learning across the lifespan (both in and out of school settings) from a critical sociocultural perspective.
The L2C2 emphasis provides a wide variety of courses and experiences focused on theory, research, equity, and practice related to identities, diversity, oral and written language, and culture. This includes the study of reading and writing processes, culturally sustaining pedagogies, digital literacies, early childhood education, and discourse analysis, among many.
The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) program emphasis offers a wide variety of courses and experiences focused on theory, research, equity, and practice in STEM education.
By studying and engaging in research and teaching with nationally-recognized leaders in mathematics or science education, students develop expertise in 1) how P-20 students think and learn, 2) how educators facilitate that learning, and 3) how to conduct scholarly investigations to answer important STEM education questions.
The Special Education emphasis adheres to the principle of evidence-based practice. Faculty believe that all students can learn, regardless of ability or disability, and practice must be grounded in the best available scientific evidence.
Students in the Special Education emphasis will develop skills in generating new knowledge through conducting research so that they can add to the evidence base. They will also enhance their ability to synthesize existing evidence and translate research into practice by teaching preservice teachers, providing professional development in schools, and authoring practitioner-focused publications.
Social Justice and Equity
Doctoral students in our program build experience and expertise in the issues of social justice and equity which aligns with our metropolitan mission and focus on student achievement.
Our doctoral students gain expertise in supervising and leading others to achieve organizational goals and missions, managing complex systems, addressing administrative issues and procedures, conducting research to enhance leadership and teaching others about the art of organizational leadership.
Practical Experience
The doctoral program contains practicums, internships, or embedded field experience that aligns with program and career goals. These mentored experiences may include teaching, research, administration or other appropriate areas.
An emphasis on scholarship includes experience and mentorship in ethics, publications, presentation, grantsmanship, and other forms of creative activity. The research component is characterized by the development of vertical research teams: senior faculty, junior faculty, doctoral students, master's degree students, and in some programs, undergraduate students, working together on research projects and research areas. These may be bolstered by partnerships with local school districts, businesses, or community agencies.
There are four annual admission deadlines. Depending on specific individual goals and situations, different deadlines may be more relevant for you.
Fall semester start, full-time status with Graduate Assistantship funding possibilities:
Members of the Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction admissions committee evaluate all applications after the appropriate admission deadline. Admission decisions are made by the professional judgment of the admissions committee according to established criteria. Admission to the program is competitive and preference is given to applicants who have strong academic records, experiences and abilities that show demonstrated excellence in professional performance and research potential. All applicants will be notified in writing regarding their admission; typically this notification occurs approximately three weeks after the admissions deadline.
This program is open to all eligible candidates regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age.
To be considered for admission, all materials must be submitted prior to the admission committee's review. If materials are incomplete, applicant will be notified and may submit again during next review.
Please note: Application for admission consists of two parts: (1) documents submitted to the University of Louisville for Graduate Admission and (2) materials submitted directly to the Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction program by the established deadline date.
Program Contact
Susan Peters
Associate Professor
Area: Mathematics Education
Room 285A - 502-852-0579
s.peters @
L2C2 Contacts
James Chisholm
Associate Professor
Area: English Education
Room: 292 — 502-852-0791
jschis01 @
Amy Seely Flint
Area: Literacy
Room 242 — Office: 502-852-2302
amy.flint @
STEM Contacts
Thomas Tretter
Professor Area: Science Education
Room 289 — 502-852-0595
tom.tretter @
Special Education Contacts
Ginevra Courtade
Associate Professor
Area: Moderate and Severe Disabilities
Room 158A - 502-852-2144
grcour01 @
Terry Scott
Area: Prevention Science, Effective Instruction
Room 106 - 502-852-0576
t.scott @
In addition to these individuals, you may also contact individual faculty members if their interests align with yours.
One way to think of doctoral-level work is to consider that this is a transformative process whereby you become a generator of knowledge as well as a consumer of it. Through intense study and mentoring experiences, you develop an expertise and a network of other professionals who collectively define and shape your particular field of study. This is very much a nonlinear, interactive process that is qualitatively different from many pre-doctoral degrees which tend to be highly structured, as exemplified by presenting lists of courses or course options that serve as requirements for those degrees. Rather than experiencing a program that has been designed by others, doctoral students, in essence, create their own programs (within broad guidelines from the university) – a process that makes this experience more challenging than a pre-structured sequence of courses. Of course, you don't do this on your own without help: Rich mentoring experiences from the faculty guide and help you shape your experiences throughout your program.
A doctoral degree opens many career paths: This is often a stimulus for many to seek this terminal degree. You may envision yourself as a future college of education faculty member, mentoring new and experienced teachers in the field and engaging in research to expand our knowledge of how to enhance education for all students. Or you may be striving for positions in state departments of education, shaping curriculum and policy at a state level. Career options also include governmental agencies, non-profit think tanks or educational research institutes, large multinational corporations with education foundations and training departments, non-governmental organizations (NGO), or any number of other possibilities. One way to structure your thinking about the appropriateness of a Ph.D. is to decide what career goal you have for yourself and investigate the credentials and qualifications that would be necessary to excel in that field. If those credentials include a doctorate, then perhaps this degree is right for you.
The MAT is acceptable as a prerequisite for this Ph.D. program, so it is not necessarily true that you need an M.Ed. if you already have a MAT. However, although the MAT is technically adequate, omitting the M.Ed. may not be the best route for some people. Please contact a faculty member to discuss your particular situation (See "Faculty / Contact" tab).
NOTE: the M.Ed. program does NOT become part of the Ph.D.. Thus, doing an M.Ed. is NOT a way to "get started on Ph.D." because you aren't – the focus and requirements of the programs are different. Instead, an M.Ed. program is strengthening your knowledge and experience base to better position yourself for future career opportunities and to become a more effective teacher, regardless of whether you ever pursue a Ph.D. or not.
Unlike most Master's degree programs, the doctoral program is much more individualized, intense, and built on a student being mentored into the profession in a role different from Master's graduates. This requires students who are proactive in developing a program of study (courses) and eventually a research direction, who can work independently as needed, and who will flourish under the mentorship model (faculty-student), which is quite different from most Master's programs in which you complete a suite of coursework and are finished. In contrast to a Master's degree program, a Ph.D. program has a central focus on understanding and advancing the intellectual field by creating new knowledge.
If the questions you are thinking about tend to be along the line of, "What courses are needed?" then a shift in thinking about a doctoral program would be appropriate. Rather, the question should be, "What experiences will I need to prepare me for my next career goals?" A non-comprehensive list of a few central differences in a doctoral program compared to a non-doctoral degree program are:
The purpose of the coursework is not to merely satisfy requirements but to craft a series of experiences that contribute to the development of the skills and perspectives that will enable the student to successfully complete a quality dissertation and be prepared for a wide variety of career opportunities. This is an interactive process that is unique for each doctoral student.
Many students do work full-time while taking doctoral coursework part-time. It is possible to take many courses during the evening and in the summer, although that may not be true for every course a person might want to take. Some continue to work full-time while doing the dissertation, but that possibility depends on the nature of the dissertation. In general, we recommend serious consideration of full-time degree status, but we recognize the reality that many students need to pursue their studies part-time. The more full-time effort that can be expended in the program, the richer and more varied the experience tends to be for the student. Even as a part-time student, you will need to complete a residency requirement in which you will need to complete 18 credits over the course of a year. Many part-time students complete this requirement early in their programs by taking two courses during each of the fall, spring, and summer semesters. See
Our Ph.D. program in Curriculum & Instruction features extensive individual mentoring of students into their new professional roles. Because of the wide range of experiences and career goals of students entering our Ph.D. program, the program is designed to be flexible to meet the needs of individuals. Coupled with this flexibility is a research core (courses and dissertation) that ensures that all students develop competencies in consuming and producing research.
Examples of doctoral program experiences that are available as appropriate to the needs of the student include opportunities to co-teach some courses relevant to one's future career direction. Co-taught courses allow the student to take advantage of the experience and guidance of the professor and develop capacity for future teaching at the college level. Students also can engage with all aspects of research projects, including submitting proposals and presenting at national professional conferences, preparing and editing journal articles, and contributing to grant proposals as appropriate. Students are mentored into a professional network and guided to serve as professional conference proposal reviewers and as journal article reviewers. The university offers workshops and seminars to support Ph.D. students.
A doctoral program is qualitatively different from a Master's degree program (see FAQ about these differences), and your recommendations should be addressing your potential in the doctoral program, which means that new recommendations are needed. When you speak to those who will write these new letters, the following characteristics are helpful ones that could be included in their comments:
This isn't a complete list, of course, but is intended to give you some guidance on the characteristics of successful doctoral students.
Identification of an advisor is the responsibility of the student: An advisor will need to sign a form as part of the admission packet. Department faculty pages EMSTEd and SECP include information to identify faculty who might have similar research interests and backgrounds and could potentially serve as an advisor. Faculty contacts in each specialization area can be found under the 'Faculty/Contact' tab should you have any questions about identifying faculty members to consider. We recommend that you schedule meetings or phone calls with any faculty you identify who might be a good fit to explore the possibility with them. Having at least a draft of your Statement of Purpose and Writing Sample is likely to be helpful to bring focus to the conversation, and a clear articulation of your intended career path is also helpful. Agreement to serve as your advisor is a process that is reached by mutual agreement between the two parties. The person who serves as your program advisor (the coursework portion of the program) may or may not serve as the dissertation advisor: This decision depends on the particular research direction taken by the student and the fit between the advisor's and the student's interests.
The rationale for requiring doctoral admissions packets (using the "faculty mentor form") to already have identified an advisor (faculty mentor) is to avoid a situation where a student may be admitted to the doctoral program, but then find out that there is no one on faculty with the expertise to guide them in their program. This situation is not helpful for the student who then becomes stuck, having started a program but unable to finish or progress because of this gap in faculty expertise. Because of the many specializations possible in Curriculum & Instruction, and because of the necessarily limited number of faculty specialties available, it happens regularly that a potential applicant is seeking a program focus which we are not able to accommodate because of a lack of faculty expertise.
However, it isn't necessary that a faculty member MUST have the same specialty area as the candidate seeking the degree. The requirement is that the faculty member him/herself, in conjunction with the potential doctoral student, must evaluate their own abilities to effectively mentor the doctoral student.
Financial aid opportunities are available to full-time Ph.D. students. The nature of that aid varies widely. Some examples include:
See the "Financial Aid" tab (above), for more information.
There is no one answer to this, of course. There are two primary components to the Ph.D. program: a coursework phase and a dissertation phase. A few considerations are presented below. Course requirements include a minimum of 60 semester hours beyond a Master's degree (each course is typically 3 credit hours). 12 of those credits are dissertation credits. If you are doing the coursework part-time (including summer), the 48 credit hours of non-dissertation courses might be completed in 3-4 calendar years. If you are doing the coursework full-time (including summer), the 48 credit hours of non-dissertation courses might be completed in 2 calendar years. The time frame for completing a dissertation varies widely, but typically a MINIMUM on a full-time basis is one calendar year.
Coursework towards a doctoral degree is selected with the endpoint in mind; many courses already taken may or may not fit with that goal. The student and program committee (a group of 3 faculty) collaboratively decide on the courses right for each person using broad guidelines specified by established program sheets. The program committee must ultimately sign off on the approved coursework. At the program committee's discretion, up to 6 credit hours of graduate work taken prior to the program which isn't part of a Master's degree may or may not count towards course requirements in the doctoral program.
This is actually not the right question to ask (see FAQ "How is the Ph.D. program different from a Master's degree program?"). A doctoral program isn't about checking off a prescribed list of courses, but rather is about designing courses and other experiences (such as conference presentations, reviewing proposals for professional conferences, and conducting and writing research) so that the student acquires the competencies to be successful in the intended future career. There are a few required courses (see the information presented under the Curriculum tab), but doctoral program courses are selected and designed by the program committee in consultation with the student.
Your doctoral advisor guides you throughout the program. This should be someone with an expertise area that is compatible with the expertise you are developing so that he or she can adequately guide and mentor you, although you will play the dominant role in developing your expertise fully. Your advisor chairs the 3-member faculty program committee who will assist you with course selection and formally approve your coursework. After completing the written comprehensive exams at the end of the coursework phase (a process managed by your advisor), you may choose to continue with the same advisor in the dissertation research phase or may decide that a different faculty member's research is a better fit for you. Your dissertation advisor chairs the 4- to 5-member faculty committee that guides and formally approves your dissertation. Throughout the entire degree program, your advisor is a primary contact for (a) networking with other professionals in the field, (b) mentoring you in preparing and delivering professional presentations at conferences and other events, and (c) providing general guidance throughout. Other faculty members will play similar roles, but typically the advisor tends to be primary in this role, largely due to the similarity of research expertise he or she possesses that is consistent with the expertise you are developing.
A dissertation is an extended, thorough, systematic investigation into an area of intellectual interest to your field that generates new knowledge. It is much more than a "paper," although you do communicate the acquired knowledge in written form. Although the particulars of any dissertation vary greatly and are determined by the nature of the research, components of the dissertation process generally include:
Although the short list above may give the impression that the dissertation process is straightforward, this short description does not capture the complexity and interactive nature of the process. There are a number of books commercially available that offer guidance and suggestions for writing dissertations; you may find some of them helpful to clarify your understanding of this process. The time period to complete dissertations varies widely, but in general between 1-2 years of full-time work is a common time frame for this portion of the doctoral program.