M.Ed. in Counseling & Personnel Services (School Counseling and Guidance)

Learn more about the CEHD's Tuition Reduction Initiative that can be applied towards the M.Ed. in School Counseling!

Becoming a School Counselor

The Master of Education (MEd) in Counseling and Personnel Services with a concentration in School Counseling is designed for those who wish to be certified as school counselors for grades P-12. The 60-credit-hour program equips students to function professionally as school counselors, as well as to sit for the licensing exam.

The mission of the Counselor Education Program is to prepare counselors and counselor educators who contribute to society in a variety of professional roles by supporting principles of social justice, fairness, and equity in their work; proactively promoting the welfare of those they serve; and engaging in a lifelong process of educational and professional renewal. Consistent with our focus on social justice, the Counselor Education Program is committed to building a culturally diverse student body and providing a culturally responsive educational environment for all students.

The program is intended to prepare school counselors who have the necessary knowledge and skills to promote achievement, personal and social development, and career planning. The coursework combines classroom and practicum and internship experiences to prepare students to work as mental health professionals in P-12 educational settings. A Rank I in School Counseling as well as Standard Guidance Certification are available. One must already have a master's degree in School Counseling and be certified as a School Counselor to be eligible for the Rank I program.


Student Handbook [PDF]

As of fall 2023, students beginning their master's in the School Counseling program must complete 60 credit hours. The program offers the following benefits:

  • Provisional certification as a guidance counselor in Kentucky (does not require full 60 hours)
  • Rank 1 certification
  • Qualification for the Kentucky Standard Guidance Certificate

Other Professional Opportunities

The faculty in the school counseling program are very involved in statewide and national initiatives. We strongly encourage school counseling students to be involved with the school, community, as well as regional and national initiatives. Students in the school counseling program have the opportunity to get involved with faculty research and service, which include activities, conferences, and presentations with the American Counseling Association, American School Counselor Association, Kentucky Counseling Association, Kentucky School Counselor Association, and other national and statewide affiliated divisions.

Program Objectives

  • Demonstrate an understanding of theory and research in current professional practice and empirically supported approaches to therapy.
  • Demonstrate the ability to practice within the scope of their educational expertise and training, while also adhering to the highest possible state and national professional standards, and counseling ethical guidelines.
  • Demonstrate research, measurement, and evaluation expertise.
  • Demonstrate personal growth and professional development.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of cultural differences, advocacy, and social justice.
  • Recruit, educate, and mentor students from diverse backgrounds to enrich the academic culture and prepare counseling professionals to meet the needs of a diverse society.
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the following areas: (1) professional orientation and ethical practice; (2) foundations of the profession; (3) social and cultural diversity; (4) human growth and development; (5) career development; (6) helping relationships including counseling, prevention, and wellness; (7) group work; (8) assessment; (9) research and program evaluation; (10) academic development; (11) collaboration, consultation, and advocacy; and (12) leadership.
  • Through supervised clinical experience, students will demonstrate the ability to perform the counseling and guidance services typically offered in a school setting (e.g., development and implementation of a comprehensive guidance curriculum, individual and group counseling and planning services, schoolwide systems support) through ethical, responsible, and culturally competent practice.
  • Students will meet the academic and supervised practice requirements of the Council on Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) for school counselors and the school counselor certification requirements for the state in which they intend to practice.
  • The School Counseling M.Ed. offers a 60-hour program that allows students to obtain a Rank 1 Certification. A Rank 1 Certification in School Counseling is eligible for those who already hold a master's degree in School Counseling. You do not need to graduate from the 60-hour program if you wish to obtain provisional certification. The completion of the 60-hour curriculum is required if you seek Rank 1 certification and eligibility as a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate (LPCA) in Kentucky.


The Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling programs at the University of Louisville are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).The School Counseling program is currently accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

Helpful Links:

Student Testimonials

Paul Eddie Bobbitt

Interactions with the professors was fantastic. Their ability to challenge me academically and professionally was instrumental in developing a transferable skill set that made me a marketable professional. I am very happy with School Counseling program and would recommend it to anyone without hesitation.

Paul Eddie Bobbitt, School Counseling Graduate
Lacy Moore

I am very pleased with my professors. They are intelligent, dynamic, and very willing to help. The professors make classes interactive and do not solely lecture - they seem genuinely interested in engaging the students.

Lacy Moore, School Counseling Graduate

For details about program curriculum, visit the Graduate Catalog.

Student Handbook [PDF]

  • Provisional certification as a guidance counselor in Kentucky

Sequencing of Courses

Courses in the School Counseling concentration do not follow a specific sequence, however to ensure the quality of learning there are certain courses that are required prerequisites before more advanced courses can be taken. The following are courses that require prerequisites:

  • ECPY 624 and ECPY 630 are prerequisites for ECPY 674 Practicum in school counseling
  • ECPY 730 and ECPY 650 are prerequisites for ECPY 684 Internship in school counseling
  • ECPY 540 Evaluation & Measurement is a prerequisite for ECPY 640

We also offer a 60-hour option, which includes the all of the above benefits in addition to the following:

  1. Rank 1 Certification
  2. Eligibility as a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate (LPCA) in Kentucky. This is the first step in becoming an independent practitioner (Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor; LPCC).
  3. Qualification for the Kentucky Standard Guidance Certificate. Students who hold a teaching certificate can receive certification as a School Counselor after one year of professional experience. For students who do not hold a teaching certificate, two years of professional experience is required.

You do not need to graduate from the 60-hour program if you wish to obtain provisional certification, but completion of the 60-hour curriculum is required if you seek Rank 1 certification or eligibility as a LPCA in KY.

Other Professional Opportunities

The faculty in the school counseling program are very involved in statewide and national initiatives. We strongly encourage school counseling students to be involved with the school, community, as well as regional and national initiatives. Students in the school counseling program have the opportunity to get involved with faculty research and service, which include activities, conferences, and presentations with the American Counseling Association, American School Counselor Association, Kentucky Counseling Association, Kentucky School Counselor Association, and other national and statewide affiliated divisions.

The mission of the Counselor Education Program is to prepare counselors and counselor educators who contribute to society in a variety of professional roles by: supporting principles of social justice, fairness, and equity in their work; proactively promoting the welfare of those they serve; and engaging in a lifelong process of educational and professional renewal. Consistent with our focus on social justice, the Counselor Education Program is committed to building a culturally-diverse student body and providing a culturally-responsive educational environment for all students.

Note: Meeting GRE score and GPA minimums does not guarantee a student will be accepted to the program.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must submit an online application for admission to the School of Interdisciplinary and Graduate Studies.

  • The minimum requirement for admission is the baccalaureate degree or its equivalent from an accredited institution. Minimum overall GPA of 2.75, or 2.75 on the last 60 undergraduate hours, is required. Applicants are required to submit all official transcripts from all colleges attended as verification of coursework and degree(s).

    Applicants who have attended a college or university outside of the United States are also required to submit an evaluation of their transcript through either WES (World Education Services) or ECE (Educational Credential Evaluators). Please note that transcript evaluations can sometimes take several weeks.

    Please have transcripts sent to:
    Graduate School
    University of Louisville
    Louisville, KY 40292

    If transcripts are sent electronically,
    please have them sent to the following e-mail: gradadm @ louisville.edu

  • Each applicant is required to submit at least two letters of recommendation from individuals who can speak to the applicant's academic and/or professional capabilities and potential. Please list the email addresses for two recommenders in the online application. Recommenders will receive instructions and forms that they will complete online.
  • Applicants must submit a professional goal statement [PDF] appropriate to their stated area of concentration for admission to the degree program. Please upload the cover sheet (see link) along with your goal statement, to the on-line application.
  • Students for whom English is not their primary languagemust show English language proficiency by successfully completing one of the following: Note: International students who have earned a degree from an accredited college or university in the U.S. are not required to complete the TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo.
  • Applicants must submit a resume, which should be uploaded to the on-line application.
  • Signed statement: Technology and Code of Ethics Form [PDF]
Laquita Edwards

The professors in the M.Ed in CPS with the School Counseling concentration are professional, knowledgeable, and very understanding.

Laquita Edwards, School Counseling Graduate

Faculty may require interviews in addition to written credentials as part of the admission process.

This program is open to all eligible faculty, staff, and students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age.

Application Deadlines

Spring Term Admission: October 1

Fall and Summer Term Admission: March 1

If you have questions about applying to the program, please email gradadm@louisville.edu or call the Office of Graduate Student Success at 502-852-7697.

I love the professors here. They are very helpful and knowledgeable.

Shauna Doering, School Counseling Graduate


Department Coordinator
Department of Counseling and Human Development
Room 320
College of Education & Human Development
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
Office: 502-852-0628

Program Faculty

Financial Aid

In addition to the financial aid opportunities offered by the University, the College of Education & Human Development also has information about financial aid.

Other financial aid opportunities available include graduate assistantships .

Supervising and Resource Teachers

In recognition of valuable service to the preparation of teachers and the need for all teachers to have continual professional growth, a supervising teacher or a resource teacher for teacher interns may, with prior approval of the course-offering institution, take a maximum of six (6) credit hours per term at any public postsecondary institution and pay no tuition. The postsecondary institution shall waive the tuition up to a maximum of six (6) credit hours.

To apply, you must complete the Tuition Waiver Certification for Supervising and Resource Teachers Application [PDF]. It should be completed by the supervising teacher, certified by their principal, and returned to our office. Return the form to the Student Financial Aid Office at UofL, attention: Lindsay Driskell.

Eligibility: 6 credit hours of tuition benefits for each semester served as a full responsibility supervising or resource teacher, or 3 credit hours of tuition benefits for each semester served as a shared supervising or resource teacher. Students may exercise the tuition waiver option up to twelve months following the assignment. Tuition benefits are paid directly to the University of Louisville.

For further information, contact the Department of Counseling and Human Development, 502-852-6884.

I have some credit hours from another program/university. Can the credit be transferred?

Once you are admitted to the program, you may request to transfer up to 6 credit hours if your UofL advisor approves the request. Transfer requests are then submitted to the School of Interdisciplinary and Graduate Studies.

Do I have to be a certified teacher in order to be a school counselor?

No, you do not have to be a certified teacher in order to be a School Counselor in Kentucky. However, some school districts do require that a School Counselor be a certified teacher with teaching experience in order to be considered for a School Counselor position. Check with the school district where you would like to be employed as a School Counselor for their requirements.