Dr. Washington's curriculum vita [PDF]
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Counselor Education with a minor in Educational Sociology, The University of Iowa
- M.A., Clinical Counseling, Webster University, Columbia, South Carolina
- B.S., Psychology with a minor in Sociology, Francis Marion University
Research Interests
- African American males’ ethnic and gender identity development
- Hip-hop culture and rap music as social justice, culturally relevant counseling interventions
- Underrepresentation of African American males in the counselor education and school counseling professions
- Critical Race Theory
- Critical Hip Hop Pedagogy
- Critical Consciousness
- Counselor Pedagogy
- Qualitative Methodology
- Critical Qualitative Methodology
Teaching Areas
- Group Process and Practice
- Practicum in School Counseling
- Internship in School Counseling
Honors & Awards
- Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD) Young Emerging Leader Award (March, 2014)
- Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Emerging Leaders Fellowship (October, 2009)
- Exceptional Graduate Student Recognition, The University of Iowa, College of Education (April, 2009)
Professional Memberships and Activities
- American Counseling Association
- American School Counseling Association
- Manuscript Reviewer: The Journal of Negro Education; The Journal of Advanced Academics
Publications and Presentations
- Henfield, M. S. & Washington, A.R. (Eds.) (In press). Black male student success in 21st century urban schools: School counseling for equity, access and achievement. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
- Washington, A. R. (2015). Addressing social injustice with urban African American Males through hip-hop: Suggestions for school counselors. Journal of Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 7, 101-121.
- Washington, A. R. (In press). “It’s like he’ll [school counselor] be there for you”: Middle school African American males’ stories of effective professional school counselors. Journal of African American Males in Education.
- Henfield, M. S., Washington, A. R., & Byrd, J. A. (2014). Addressing Academic and Opportunity Gaps Impacting Gifted Black Males Implications for School Counselors. Gifted Child Today, 37, 147-154.
- Washington, A. R. (2012). Elementary professional school counselors: Assets in the development of African American males. Child Health Talk, Summer/Fall, 6-7.
- Henfield, M. S, Byrd, J. A., & Washington, A. R. (2015). Twenty-first century scholars of color and contemporary weapons for social justice. In F. Bonner, II, C. W. Lewis, B. Lofton, & P. A. Robinson (Eds.), Priorities of the professoriate: Engaging multiple forms of scholarship across rural and urban institutions (pp. 107-118). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
- Byrd, J. A. & Washington, A. R. (October, 2015). M.A. Counseling Students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities Perceptions of Entering Counseling Related Ph.D. Programs. Program presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Washington, A. R. & Byrd, J. A. (October, 2015). Hip Hop Culture and Culturally Relevant School Counselor Pedagogy?: A Conversation Long Overdue. Program presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.