Diagnostic Teacher Assessments in Mathematics & Science (DTAMS) serve two purposes: (1) describe teachers' breadth and depth of content knowledge for them to use diagnostically for themselves; and (2) capture the breadth and depth of content knowledge for evaluators, researchers, or others to use in support of strengthening teacher capacity. They were initially developed iteratively between 2002-2006 by teams of researchers and teachers, under the leadership of Dr. William (Bill) S. Bush (retired). DTAMS assessments are available in 3 domains: elementary mathematics, middle mathematics, and middle science (see side navigation).
DTAMS resources are available since January 2019 on a free, self-serve basis; the fee-based scoring service previously provided by CRIMSTED at University of Louisville has been discontinued. Links (see side navigation) for each DTAMS domain include: multiple versions of each assessment, scoring guidelines, subscore generation guidance, and supporting documents.
Terms of Use: DTAMS resources are available free of charge for appropriate use under the following conditions. You may copy and distribute the material in any medium or format, or you may adapt the material (remix, transform, or build upon). The terms of this use include: you must give appropriate credit but not suggest that CRIMSTED endorses you or your use; you may not use the material for commercial purposes; any adaptation of the material must be distributed under these same conditions; and you may not legally restrict others from using any of these materials (or adaptations) different from these terms.
Suggested citation for DTAMS web materials broadly:
University of Louisville CRIMSTED. (n.d.). Diagnostic Teacher Assessments in Mathematics and Science (DTAMS). Retrieved from [put URL here]
Questions? Please contact CRIMSTED Program Coordinator at CRMSTD@louisville.edu or phone (502) 852-3096