Community Engagement

Addressing the needs and interests of our communities locally, statewide, nationally and internationally.

2023 Engaged Scholarship Symposium


Making a Difference through University-Community Collaborations

2023 UofL Engaged Scholarship Symposium

Friday March 24, 2023

9am-2:30pm - Chao Auditorium, lower level Ekstrom Library 

The Annual Engaged Scholarship Symposium is an opportunity to network and share current research and teaching activities involving community partners and service to the community. Please join us for a day of panel presentations, lightning talks, and recognition of UofL faculty in community-engaged scholarship and sustainability. FULL SCHEDULE LISTED BELOW.

 Sponsored by the Office of Community Engagement & UofL Dining

 Questions may be submitted to , Director of Community Engagement



Keynote Speaker –Marisol Morales, Ed.D.  

 Dr. Marisol Morales currently serves as the Executive Director of the Carnegie Elective Classifications for the American Council on Education (ACE). In this role Morales provides conceptual leadership and operational oversight to the Carnegie Elective Classifications. This includes the collaborative development of and responsibility for all initiatives, oversight and facilitation of relevant national and international advisory committees, conceptualizing and implementing extensive data archives as well as developing and enacting a shared vision regarding access to and use of the knowledge produced by the Carnegie Elective Classifications to beneficially guide research, policy, and practice. Prior to this role she was the Vice President for Network Leadership at Campus Compact, from 2018-2022. Morales was the Founding Director of the Office of Civic and Community Engagement at the University of La Verne from 2013-2018 and the Associate Director of the Steans Center for Community-based Service Learning and Community Service Studies at DePaul University from 2005-2013.  In 2020, she was appointed as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Community-Engaged Scholarship at University of Central Florida and also serves as an adjunct faculty in the ENLACE Higher Education Master’s program at Northeastern Illinois University. Morales sits on the editorial board of the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, on the editorial advisory board of Liberal Education, a publication of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, and on the board of the International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE). Locally, she serves as the chair of the Puerto Rican Agenda of Chicago’s Education subcommittee and on the alumni board of the Center for Latino Research and the Latin American and Latino Studies program at DePaul University. Dr. Morales holds a BA in Latin American/Latino Studies and a MS/MS in International Public Service Management both from DePaul University. She earned her Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership from the University of La Verne. Her dissertation focused on the community engagement experiences of Latinx students at a Hispanic Serving Institution.


The Office of Community Engagement- 8th Annual Engaged Scholarship Symposium

Friday March 24, 2022

Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library - Belknap Campus




9:00     Welcome – Dr. Henry Cunningham, Director of Community Engagement 

9:03     Remarks, Dr. Douglas Craddock, Vice President for Community Engagement 

9:07     Remarks, Dr. Lori Stewart Gonzales, Executive Vice President and University Provost

9:10     Keynote Speaker, Dr. Marisol Morales, Executive Director, of the Carnegie Elective Classifications for the American Council on Education (ACE)  

            "More AMOR Please: Accountability Measures and Organizational Results (AMOR) for Community Engagement Practitioners and Leaders"

9:55     Community Engagement and Sustainability Awards Presentation

10:20 – 10:30        BREAK




10:30 - 11:30         Concurrent Session 1


ROOM 104

Raising Hope Kentucky: A Nursing and Agriculture Collaboration to Address Farmer Mental Health

The combination of a self-sufficient culture and multiple environmental and financial stressors have created a mental health crisis for Kentucky farmers – with a disproportionately high suicide rate. Collaborations between the ULSON and state agricultural organizations aim to destigmatize mental health issues and provide resources to support farmer health.

Presenters: Cheryl Witt, School of Nursing, Jeanne Ward, School of Nursing

The Resilient Families Project @ Wayside’s Hotel Louisville – Back-Pocket Strategies for Building Resilience, Mindfulness & Happiness in At-Risk Adults

The Resilient Families Project aims to strengthen habits of resilience/mindfulness/happiness in adults experiencing houselessness and/or in drug/alcohol recovery at Wayside Christian Mission. A Gheen’s Foundation Grant allowed for additional program materials to participants. We will discuss our collaboration with WCM, lessons learned, and the benefit of this program and grant funding to our WCM participants and RFP Team.

Presenters: Lora Haynes – Psychological & Brain Sciences, Angela Ely – UofL Alumni of Resilient Families Project, Oliver Kratholm – Alumni of Resilient Families Project. Hailey Culp – Alumni of Resilient Families Project

Making a Difference with UofL Students, KY, and the Planet

We will be sharing how UofL Dining positively impacts students, the greater Louisville community, fellow Kentuckians, and the planet by partnering with student groups, faculty members, and local non-profits.

Presenters: Lindsay Klingenschmidt – UofL Dining, Kris Cowan – UofL Dining, Christiany Smith – UofL Dining



Uncovering Testimonios of Traditional Healing Practices Among Latinx College Students in El Nuevo Sur

This session will show the results of tesimonios of 10 students from the University of Louisville. Through the lenses of Latinx critical race theory, traditional healing practices, Latino identity development and orientations, community cultural wealth, interactive epistemologies, and situating my own cultural intuition in the research, this project uncovered the healing practices of Latinx college students in el Nuevo Sur.

Sarah Cecilia Nunez – College of Education & Human Development (Student)

Anchoring Economic Justice

Universities as large institutions rooted in place can bolster equitable economic prosperity in their home communities. UofL is one of thirty-one schools participating in the Anchor Initiative, a national program exploring strategies and partnerships toward building democratic and sustainable economies. We overview the work of our own Anchor team and suggest ways for the wider UofL community to become involved.

Presenters: Lisa Markowitz – Department of Anthropology, Justin Mog – Office of the Provost - Sustainability, Tom Walton – School of Public Health & Information Sciences


10:30 – 11:30        Concurrent Session 1


ROOM 254

School-Based Depression Prevention: Considering Sociocultural Factors

The depression prevention program TIM&SARA is part of the services provided by the Cardinal Success Program at The Academy@Shawnee. Historically, Black youth benefit less from prevention programs than White youth. We adapted TIM&SARA to Black and White youth alike using focus groups and examined the effects of this adaptation.

Presenters: Patrick Possel – Counseling and Human Development, Hayley Seely –Counseling and Human Development

Books to Branches

We hope to emphasize the importance of representation of different backgrounds in books, and how important books are to self-development. In addition, linking books to social justice organizations, one can learn what resources their city may have for those of marginalized communities, as well as getting involved in those organizations.

Presenters: Nile Rowe – Engaged Lead Serve Board (Student), Angel Okorie – Equality and Justice Committee (Student)

Bridging the gap to access to quality education for healthcare providers in Latin America

Most people with spinal cord injuries in Latin America are cared for by specialties with limited knowledge about the disability continuum. Too decrease this gap, our multidisciplinary team has organized several outreach programs with attendees from twenty countries. We will present results from those experiences, the challenges, and future directions.

Presenter: Daniela Terson de Paleville – Department of Physiology

Promoting Knowledge and Environmental Health Literacy in Communities Across Kentucky

Openly sharing research findings and cultivating opportunities to discuss research data can promote trust in science. We will describe our efforts to increase access to science topics and research findings to promote knowledge and environmental health literacy in communities across Kentucky.

Presenter: Sarah Jump – Center for Integrative Environmental Health Sciences


11: 40 – 12:10                 LUNCH     

Lobby Area in front of Chao Auditorium - be sure to register and let us know about any dietary restrictions for your boxed lunch


12:00 – 1:45          Preparing for the Carnegie Classification in Community Engagement (By Invitation Only)

Presenter: Dr. Marisol Morales – American Council on Education

Teaching Innovation Learning Lab (TILL) 3rd Floor


12:15 – 1:15          Concurrent Session II

Panel Presentations

Room 104

Access to Yoga and Exercise Training for People with Spinal Cord Injury from Diverse Background in Louisville Metro Area

Exercise is critical in preventing secondary complications, and re-gain of function among individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). We created an adapted yoga and personal training program for people with SCI from diverse backgrounds. We will present findings from this study and discuss challenges and future directions

Presenters: Daniela Terson de Paleville – Physiology, Jason Immekus – Ed Leadership, Evaluation & Organizational Development, Camilio Castillo – Department of Neurosurgery, Miranda Garvin – Frazier Rehab Institute, Elizabeth Fust – Gathering Strength Inc.

Bellarmine’s Backyard: Engaging with Student Leadership to Solicit Institutional Support for a Protected Bike Lane

In an attempt to solicit feedback and gain community-wide support for a protected bicycle facility in the Highlands, Streets for People, a local multimodal advocacy group, partnered with student leadership at Bellarmine University to build social capital and strengthen collective action in the interest of the public good.

Presenter: Thomas Wojcicki – Bellarmine University

Navigating the Road to Ignite Student Excellence in a Post Pandemic World

Marginalized students are experiencing larger academic setbacks as a result of the pandemic. Sustainable partnerships and programs that support students and their growth in education is critical. The R.I.S.E. Program has been created to supply the community with free tutoring that can help to bridge the educational gap.

Presenters: Sydney Bland & Antonio Readus– Bellarmine University

12:15 – 1:15          Concurrent Session II

Lightning Talks

Room 254

Curricular Community Engagement: Engaging Students, Community Members, and Faculty as Equal Partners

Curricular integration of community-engaged research promotes DEI content in the classroom, advances the university’s anchor mission, and increases equitable access to university resources for surrounding communities. The Business & Entrepreneurship Librarian will introduce how she is engaging students, community members, and faculty as equal partners in developing community-engaged research projects.

Presenter: Alexandra Howard – Ekstrom Library, Business & Entrepreneurship Librarian

Community-Engaged Research Focused on PFAS in Western Kentucky

The study purpose is to support community-engaged research on per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in a rural community in Western Kentucky. PFAS impact soil and water quality and is found in consumer products including outdoor gear, cosmetics, and cookware. Exposure to PFAS are a major local and national public health concern.

Presenters: Jamie Young – Pharmacology & Toxicology, Luz Huntington-Mokos – School of Nursing

Unprecedented Times: Young People of Color Responding to the “Twin” Pandemics of COVID-19 and Racism in Louisville

During 2020-2022, young people of color experienced the “twin” pandemics of COVID-19 and racism. How do young Louisville residents experience and perceive these pandemics as affecting their mental health and collective wellbeing? We use online/in-person listening sessions with these young people (aged 12-24) in Louisville and underscore the benefits of spaces offering support for youth mental health, collective care, and community engagement.

Presenters: John Broadus – Department of Sociology, James Joyce – Department of Sociology, Melanie Gast – Department of Sociology, Aishia Brown - School of Public Health & Information Sciences, Rebecka Bloomer - School of Public Health & Information Sciences

Sensing Air Justice: First Steps in Equipping Citizens for Science

Community members volunteering through Rubbertown Emergency Action (REACT) and the Environmental Health Literacy Coalition’s “Air Justice” project will be involved in gathering and interpreting street-level air quality data. Preliminary sensor data and a community-generated experimental plan will be presented.

Presenter: W. Scott Hunter – Geographic & Environmental Sciences


12:15 – 1:15          Concurrent Session II

Roundtable Discussion

Room E117

Emerging Generations Z & A: The Youth Development Phenomenon

Emerging Generations Z & A: The Youth Development Phenomenon will explore the impact of mentorship, while advancing course curriculum that is culturally sustaining to students. Django Paris asserts (2017) Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy promotes quality across racial and ethnic communities and seeks to ensure access and opportunity and it also supports students to critique and question dominant power structures in societies. The curriculum highlights four pillars for student success which includes, but not limited to: Identity and Self-Discovery, Entertainment, Social Entrepreneurship, and Life Skills.

Presenters: Jerron Jones – Bellarmine University, Randy Whetstone – Ed Leadership, Evaluation & Organ Dev


1:20 - 2:20             Concurrent Session III

Panel Presentations

Room 104

An Evaluation of COVID-19 Vaccination Rates of the Patients at the Kentucky Racing Health Services Center

This project was conducted as a component of a senior honor thesis by Aditya Mehta. The objective was to evaluate Covid-19 vaccination rates in a marginalized population at the Kentucky Racing Health Services Center. Data gaps relating to Latinx patients in Kentucky’s state records supported the need for this research.

Presenters: Dedra Hayden – School of Nursing, Aditya Mehta – School of Nursing, Krista Roach – School of Nursing

Nursing and Early Childhood Learning Collaboration to Assess Preschoolers’ Perception of Healthy Eating

Early childhood is an ideal time for establishing healthy eating habits. Our collaboration is a novel approach to establishing the earliest age at which children can differentiate between healthy and unhealthy foods. Preschoolers were recruited in this study which used drawing activities to determine awareness of foods that promote health.

Presenter: Frances Hardin-Fanning – School of Nursing, Jill Jacobi-Vessels – Special Education, Early Childhood & Prevention Science

The Parkinson’s Mentor Program

The Mentor Program, an inter-institutional collaboration between a healthcare organization and two Higher Education Institutions, embodies community engagement. Parkinson’s Disease patients are paired with first-year physical therapy students to socialize in this experiential learning initiative. A formative evaluation using a quasi-experimental design is underway to assess outcomes.

Presenter: Denise Cumberland – College of Education & Human Development, Elizabeth Ulanowski – Bellarmine University, Andrea Lanham – Norton Neuroscience Institute


1:20 - 2:20             Concurrent Session III

Roundtable Discussion


For the People, by the People: Broadcasting Truth and Justice on Forward Radio 106.5FM

Scholars and activists struggle with the same question: How can I broadcast my message and engage new audiences? Enter community radio, one of the only remaining people-powered, community-controlled corners of the media landscape. Since April 2017, Forward Radio WFMP Louisville has been broadcasting and podcasting the voices of the people at 106.5fm and

Presenters: Justin Mog – Office of the Provost, Sustainability; Brian Barnes (Senior Lecturer, A&S Philosophy & Co-host of “Critical Thinking for Everyone”), Patty Payette (Executive Director, Quality Enhancement Plan & Co-host of “Critical Thinking for Everyone”), Robin Frederick (Masters of Sustainability student & Former Forward Radio Station Manager and Host of “Let’s Get Trashy”), Melissa Morgenson (Coordinator, Dept. of Medicine Div. of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition; and Forward Radio volunteer), Ruth Newman (Forward Radio Station Manager & Host of “Election Connection”), Vincent Gonzalez (Co-host of “Community Control Now”), and Dave Robinson (Host of “Bench Talk: The Week in Science")


1:20 - 2:20             Concurrent Session III

Roundtable Discussions


Cross-Campus Community Engagement

Community engagement offers students dynamic and applied learning opportunities while fostering mutually-beneficial town-gown relationships—but building those relationships with the local community has to start even more locally: within the campus community. Let’s talk about how Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, students, and other campus stakeholders collaborate and cross-integrate community engagement.

Presenter: Cathy Gomez – Bellarmine University, Liz Todd-Byron – Bellarmine University


3:00   Sustainability Council 15 year celebration – TILL Classroom, 3rd Floor               

Community Engagement

University of Louisville

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