Ian Jones Awarded NASA KY Graduate Fellowship

Congratulations to our first-year graduate student Ian Jones for receiving a NASA-Kentucky Graduate Fellowship award! Funded by NASA, Ian will be working in the High-Resolution Laser Spectroscopy Lab of Prof. Jinjun Liu (https://sites.google.com/site/uofllaserlabs/) to build a unique two-photon double-resonance spectroscopy apparatus. The novel laser-spectroscopy technique Ian and his co-worker are developing employs state-of-the-art research lasers and high-sensitivity detection techniques for the quantitative detection and characterization of molecules in space. Once constructed, this spectroscopic apparatus will be available to students from all Kentucky universities for data collection. The expected experimental spectra will be shared with the spectroscopy and astrochemistry communities. The new laser-spectroscopy project will become an important resource for improving STEM education and research in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.