Dr Lee Thompson wins the prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER Award
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Dr. Lee Thompson |
Congratulations to Professor Lee M. Thompson for winning the prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his proposal entitled “CAREER: Resonant Hartree-Fock Inspired Descriptions of Excited State Processes”. This $650,000 grant over 5 years will allow Professor Thompson’s group to develop new computational models to simulate excited state processes in metallo-photocatalysts, which can enable new molecular synthesis approaches. The educational component of this project aims to provide students with a deeper understanding of physical chemistry and computational science by focusing on programming literacy and sustainable software development. The potential impact is the development of computational methods with low-cost approximations that reduce computational processing time and the potential design of new photoredox catalyst systems. See the following link for more information: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2144905&HistoricalAwards =false