About Bucks-for-Brains
The Research Challenge Trust Fund, also known as Bucks-for-Brains, draws world-class researchers from around the world to the University of Louisville.
Driving innovation and economic impact — right here in the Bluegrass.
The Bucks-for-Brains program supports groundbreaking research at Kentucky universities by matching state dollars with private donations, effectively doubling the total funding. The goal is to attract top research talent to the Commonwealth.
Since its inception in 1997, the Bucks-for-Brains program has been invaluable in supporting efforts to recruit and retain even more exceptional talent who develop big, world-changing innovations right here at UofL. Their work creates new products, companies, a trained workforce and jobs.
UofL Bucks-for-Brains researchers are developing game-changing methods that could revolutionize how we track and contain pandemics. They’re launching startups and completing major IPOs to further innovative therapies for transplant patients. And they’re using next generation technology to create equity in our city's potentially billion-dollar 3-D printing economy.

“Since its inception, the Bucks-for-Brains program has been invaluable in supporting the university’s efforts to recruit and retain exceptional talent and, in turn, accelerate economic development.”
Program History
In 1997 the Kentucky legislature approved a bold plan to reform the state’s
system of higher education. The goal was to develop a “seamless, integrated
system of postsecondary education strategically planned and adequately funded
to enhance economic development and quality of life.”
A key component of this reform was the state’s creation of the Research
Challenge Trust Fund, a strategic investment in university research designed to
create new jobs, generate new economic activity and provide new opportunities
for Kentucky citizens. Commonly known as “Bucks-for-Brains,” the program uses
state funds to match private donations, effectively doubling the impact of private
investment supporting research in strategically defined areas and planting the
seeds for a better future.
In 1998 Kentucky legislators invested $110 million in general fund appropriations
to support Bucks-for-Brains at the state’s research and regional universities. They
reinforced that commitment with an additional $120 million in 2000 and another
$120 million in 2005. Then in 2008, the General Assembly authorized $50 million
in General Fund supported bonds. And most recently, in 2023, UofL received an
additional $10 million from the state to add endowed faculty positions to advance
groundbreaking research in cybersecurity, energy, health and more.
This funding, combined with private support, has enabled UofL to recruit and
retain world-renowned faculty to work alongside current outstanding faculty. In
return, these scholars are creating economic opportunity, enhancing the
education of our students and drawing international attention to the university
with significant breakthroughs, including numerous medical discoveries that will
lead to a better quality of life for people everywhere.