ProCard Announcements & Reminders
- A consolidated pocket-guide/card sleeve (CardBook™) was created to provide cardholders and departmental staff with common ProCard information while making purchases out of the office. These will be distributed with all new and replacement cards. If you would like to have these for your existing card(s), you may pick them up from the ProCard Office during weekly card pick-up hours or send an email to indicating the quantity you desire (these will be sent to you through campus mail).
- A FAQs page has been added to the ProCard website. We will continue to expand this information based on user feedback.
- A PowerPoint training presentation detailing the ProCard policies and procedures has also been added to the ProCard website. Departments and cardholders are encouraged to review this information internally at departmental staff meetings or otherwise.
- Monthly liaison certification process: Each VP/Dean unit has designated a liaison (or multiple liaisons, in some cases, depending on the size of the unit) who is/are responsible for certifying the completion of all transaction summary logs for the unit. This process was recently developed in an effort to strengthen internal controls for ProCard transactions. More details, including monthly due dates, can be found on the ProCard website.
- Receipts: All ProCard receipts must be original and itemized. Original receipts are required as an internal control that helps substantiate transactions, are evidence that transactions are legitimate, and help prevent and identify abusive practices. The ProCard Receipt Form must be completed when an original itemized receipt is lost or otherwise unavailable and all measures to obtain a copy have been exhausted. A pattern of missing receipts (or other evidence) could be an indicator of fraud.
- Department cards: A department card is intended to be used in situations where the volume of purchases per individual is so low as to not require a card for each person. In addition, some offices prefer a single department card as it centralizes the approval process on potential transactions and only requires the approval of one transaction summary log each month. A department card is assigned to one employee/responsible party who controls access to the card and authorizes others to use it as necessary. As with an individual card, the card must be canceled when the responsible party changes for any reason.
- Sign-in/out log: A sign-in/out log must be completed when a card is checked out to persons other than the responsible party. A sample sign-in/out log can be found on our website.
- Monthly reconciliation/approval process: Monthly, each transaction summary log must be reconciled with the receipts and the bank statement, and signed by the person(s) who performed the reconciliation and approved the purchases. Reconcilers and approvers are encouraged to check PeopleSoft for charges and reallocate/approve them in a timely manner. View the reallocation/approval schedule on our website for monthly deadlines – the schedule format has been updated for improved readability. Please be aware that you should not be in PeopleSoft reallocating/approving transactions on the close-out dates as this creates errors during our month-end process.
- UBM responsibilities: Each month, the UBM should reconcile the approved transactions summary log(s) to the budget account(s) to ensure all charges were transmitted and reallocated properly. The PI-03A/CONT-03A report links to the ProCard detail. View the UBM Responsibilities section of the ProCard website for a complete list of UBM responsibilities in terms of ProCard oversight.
- ProCard Misuse: It is imperative that all ProCards are used in accordance with university and ProCard policies. In the event that fraud or intentional misuse of the card is suspected, the suspected activities should be immediately reported to the ProCard Office, Audit Services, or through the Compliance Hotline. Suspension or revocation of ProCard privileges and/or disciplinary actions are appropriate actions in the case of ProCard misuse.