Curriculum and Course Development
Responsibility for the curriculum resides with each unit faculty. The curriculum process varies from unit to unit. In general, there are two phases in this process. The first phase originates at the unit level with the faculty and the second phase is administered at the university level. The Office of the Provost provides oversight to the management of the curriculum process, which includes:
• curriculum development (new courses, majors, minors, concentrations, degrees, certificates)
• curriculum revision (changes to existing courses, majors, concentrations, certificates, and degree requirements).
Curriculum requests will be initiated and approved at the level of the unit (department, school, division) responsible for the administration of the program or requirement. The Office of the Provost works with each academic unit, Faculty Senate and the Registrar’s Office in addition to any external organizations to complete the necessary steps to keep an accurate curriculum/course inventory.
Course Development:
Curriculum Development: