Areas of Interest
Service Learning
What is Service Learning? Service learnin is a structured learning experience that combines community service with preparation and reflection. It provides a student an opportunity to actively participate and directly learn in a structured environment while challenging personal assumptions, beliefs, and thought patterns. It has objectives and contains a reflection as well as a feedback component about learning experiences performed either in a local or an international setting.
My LEAPS is an online service activities portfolio for medical students that is used to record service related learning experiences, personal service activities, hours served, and written reflections. Service activities are considered as either Service Learning or Community Service. MyLeaps Login
The University of Louisville School of Medicine is pilot site for training future physicians on the unique health care concerns and issues encountered by people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT), gender nonconforming or born with differences of sex development (DSD). UofL has developed the formal curriculum that began the pilot program in the 2015-16 academic year, with full integration into the curriculum in 2016-17. Link to this article:
H.E.A.R.T Committee
The name, HEART, is an acronym for the themes that ground our work--themes that we work to integrate into all aspects of the University of Louisville medical community: Humanistic, Empathetic, Altruistic, Relationship-centered Team. Through the various HEART projects and enterprises, we hope to foster a medical community culture that embraces the humanistic component of the physician-patient interaction.
Distinction Tracks
The Distinction Tracks Program at the University of Louisville School of Medicine was created to meet two primary goals: to increase the number of students choosing a career in academic medicine and to provide students the opportunity for academic exploration and scholarly productivity in an area of medicine for which they have a passion. The University of Louisville currently has four Distinction Tracks: Business and Leadership, Global Health, Medical Education, and Research. Each track is unique in its requirements, ensures a mentored longitudinal experience, and culminates in a scholarly project.
Trover Campus
In 1998, the Trover Foundation/University of Louisville Off Campus Teaching Center began offering medical students from the University of Louisville the opportunity to complete the last two years of medical school in a rural community. The Trover Campus is based in Madisonville, KY, and is designed to accommodate 10-12 Third Year and 10-12 Fourth Year students for their clinical rotations. Students may apply for dedicated admission to the Trover Rural Track program by indicating their interest on the University of Louisville School of Medicine's secondary application.