Welcome to the Paris Simulation Center!



Welcome to the Paris Simulation Center. The Center supports training of current and future healthcare professionals at the University of Louisville Health Science Campus. The Paris Simulation Center has four simulation suites - each suite contains a lab with a state-of-the-art computer controlled manikin, a control room and classroom. The simulators are state-of-the-art high fidelity simulators. Additional clinical and teaching equipment is also available at the simulation center to enhance the learning experience. 

The mission of the Dr. John M. and Dorothy Paris Simulation Center is to support the School of Medicine's educational mission through the use of real-time interactive simulation systems. The Center works closely with departments, course directors, individual faculty, and other health care organizations to develop education experiences which appropriately and effectively utilize simulation. The primary goal of the Center is to incorporate the use of the simulators into the School of Medicine undergraduate and graduate curricula.