Center Features
The Paris Simulation Center is a 2,500 sq.ft. facility located in the Instructional Building at the School of Medicine. The Center has four simulation suites. Each suite contains a lab with a state-of-the-art manikin-based simulator, a classroom and a control room. Additional clinical equipment and training devices further expand the capabilities of the Center.
Each lab is large enough to comfortably contain several pieces of equipment, as well as eight to ten students. We typically have the manikin on a bed or stretcher, a ventilator, one or two carts, and other miscellaneous items in a lab during a teaching session.
With our available equipment, the labs can be reconfigured to suit the particular needs of the teaching session. For example, to simulate a patient room in respiratory therapy, we can put the manikin in a hospital bed, and put a bedside table, over bed table, and a patient ventilator also in the room. For surgical simulations, we can put the manikin on a surgical table, and put an anesthesia ventilator, patient monitor, anesthesia cart, IV poles and instrument trays in the room.
The integrated audiovisual system enables us to videotape activity in the simulation labs. Each lab has a ceiling mounted and a wall mounted camera. The image on the patient monitor can also be recorded. The A/V systems enables broadcast into the classrooms, as well as replay of taped sessions. This enables debriefing of the session with the students. The A/V system can also be used as a computer monitor, for presentations and computer based demonstrations.