Educational Endeavors
In addition to the seminars for individual post-graduate years in the residency and the ongoing clinical conferences on each teaching service, there are regularly scheduled educational experiences in which the entire department has the opportunity to participate.
Psychiatry Grand Rounds
Once a month from September through June, the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences sponsors a Grand Rounds for the faculty, staff, students, and private practitioners in the medical community of Louisville. The quality of the programs in this series has been consistently high. Many guest lecturers from other medical centers and institutions participate; individual senior residents and faculty from our own department also make presentations.
Morbidity and Mortality Conference
Different service sites present the case for the month. Faculty, residents, and students then discuss the issues related to the case.
Journal Club
This is held on the fourth Thursday of each month. PGY-2 residents each present and article and lead journal club as part of their scholarly activity. Residents may choose faculty mentors to help discuss the case. Faculty, residents, and medical students are all invited to participate in this event.