Peer and Medical Student Mentors


Alumni from our program who are currently in medical school are invited annually to participate in a medical student panel for first and second years and one for third and fourth years. It's an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about what it's like to be a medical student.  Some of our alumni share their contact information for post-bacs to reach out and maintain contact.  Medical students also are invited to participate in our annual medical school visit to the University of Louisville School of Medicine. They serve as tour guides.


Our students are assigned a peer mentor to help them adjust to their first semester in the program. The peer mentor is one of our current students who has completed at least one semester in the program. The peer mentor helps the student get adjusted to campus and the Louisville area; gives advice about which professor to take for specific classes; gives studying tips and basically serves as the "go to person".

Mentors are randomly selected for our students, however, if the mentoring relationship is not working well, a new mentor or mentee can be requested after consulting with the advisor.

Our program is striving to ensure that our students receive support every step of the way in various forms; advising, mentoring and regular interaction with their fellow post-bac classmates.