Bioinformatics Core

The Brown Cancer Center (BCC) Bioinformatics Core (BC) plays a vital role in cancer research by providing BCC researchers with the tools and expertise they need to analyze large datasets. We use our expertise in data analysis, computational biology, and statistical methods to help cancer researchers make sense of complex biological data and accelerate the pace of discovery. Some essential goals of the BC are:

  • To provide cancer researchers with the tools and resources they need to conduct cutting-edge bioinformatics research.
  • To facilitate the sharing and analysis of cancer data across different research groups and institutions.
  • To train the next generation of cancer bioinformatics researchers.

To achieve these goals, the BC offers the following services:

  • Data management: the BC can help researchers manage large datasets, including high-throughput sequencing data, genomic data, clinical data, and imaging data.
  • Data analysis: the BC can help researchers analyze data using a variety of statistical and computational methods to generate results for publications and grant applications.
  • Data visualization: the BC can help researchers visualize data in a way that is easy to understand and interpret.
  • Training: the BC can provide training to BCC researchers on bioinformatics methods and tools.

 The insights derived from these services can be used to identify new cancer genes, develop new cancer treatments, and improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Dr. Juw Won Park and his team are interdisciplinary bioinformatics researchers with years of experience. They provide support to multiple center grants at our institution, including the Bioinformatics Core at the BCC’s Center for Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, the Biostatistics and Informatics Facility Core of the Center for Integrative Environmental Health Sciences, and the Bioinformatics Core of KY INBRE. Dr. Park's research focuses on the application of bioinformatics and systems biology to complex alternative splicing. He has analyzed high-throughput sequencing data from more than 35 projects, including RNA-seq, single-cell sequencing, CLIP-seq, and long-read sequencing data. Over the past decade, Dr. Park has developed and published bioinformatics algorithms for the analysis of circular RNA detection, alternative splicing, ERSP 1/2 regulated splicing, RNA-binding proteins binding sites, cancer metastasis, and genomic variants including fusion events.

Who We Are:

Juw Won Park: PhD, Director, Brown Cancer Center Bioinformatics Core, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Medical Oncology

Jae Yeon Hwang: PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Medical Oncology

Zhenhua Shang: PhD, Bioinformatician, Brown Cancer Center

Contact Information:

Juw Won Park: 502-852-4030

Jae Yeon Hwang:   502-852-3793

CTR Building, Rooms 211-213 

Hiring Information:

We are hiring MS/PhD bioinformaticians. Please contact Dr. Juw Won Park () if you are interested.