
Want to go to law school? Ask the expert.
(October 25, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - In "May it Please the Court," Dr. Barbara Perry, a U.S. Supreme Court expert, will shed light on what makes an effective oral argument. Prospective law students don't want to miss this presentation.
Glover prepares for first tour of duty overseas
(Oct. 25, 2010) FT. CAMPBELL, Ky. - Jordan Glover (Class of 2006) was promoted to captain last week at Fort Campbell, Ky.
Don't know much about history?
(October 21, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Author James Loewen will discuss why Americans have lost touch with their history in a free public talk Oct. 21, 4 p.m., Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library.
Jennings quoted in The Wall Street Journal
(Oct. 20, 2010) Scott Jennings, a 2000 McConnell Scholar graduate, comments on today's political climate in The Wall Street Journal.
Scholar keeps time for nationally televised political debate
(Oct. 19, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Meghan Waters, a freshman McConnell Scholar, was the time keeper for the Oct. 17 University of Louisville-WHAS TV debate between U.S. Senate candidates Jack Conway and Rand Paul.
McConnell Scholars featured on "Hardball with Chris Matthews"
(Oct. 19, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - McConnell Scholars Eric Kiser and Max Morley were interviewed by Chris Matthews.
15 Kentucky teachers head to Mt. Rushmore
(October 14, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Fifteen Kentucky educators and teachers travel to Mt. Rushmore for professional development training.
McConnell Fellow's class featured on C-SPAN
(October 13, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky.- Dr. Brad Birzer, a non-resident fellow of the McConnell Center, will discuss 19th century Republicans on a C-SPAN production. The program will first air Oct. 22.
Gretchen Morgenson visits McConnell Scholars
(Oct. 13, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Gretchen Morgenson, a Pulitzer-prize winning financial journalist, lunched with McConnell Scholars and university honors students Oct. 4, 2010.
Center celebrates 5 years of civic programming, unveils new logo
(October 11, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - The McConnell Center celebrates 5 years of civic programming and unveils its new logo.
The U.S. Supreme Court: The Early Years
(October 11, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - McConnell Scholars unravel the initial constitutional debates about the role of the U.S. Supreme Court.
David Jones speaks at McConnell Center
(October 11, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky.- McConnell Scholars lunch with David Jones, co-founder of Humana, as part of the Center's Local Leaders extended learning program.
Two staffers celebrate 15 years at U of L
(October 7, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Tina Talley and Aaron Vowels, both McConnell Center employees, celebrate 15 years of service at the University of Louisville.
Supreme Court opens along partisan lines, says McConnell Center Fellow
(October 4, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Dr. Barbara Perry, a senior fellow at the University of Virigina's Miller Center of Public Affairs and a non-resident Fellow at the McConnell Center, comments on the new make-up of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Scholars visit The Thomas Merton Center
(Sept. 29, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - McConnell Scholars visit The Thomas Merton Center as part of the Center's "Leadership and Literature: Autobiography Series."
Experts consider the future of democracy in the "Internet Era"
(September 21, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky.- Four prominent free speech scholars from the U.S. and Europe discussed free speech and the future of democracy in the so-called "Internet Era."
Salyer alumnus headlines League of Women Voters event
(Sept. 20, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Neil Salyer, a graduate of the McConnell Scholars Program, will discuss "The People and the Constitution: Popular Interpretations from the Left, Right and Center," along with Dr. Allison Martens, U of L political science professor.
Constitution Day 2010Sep 17, 2010 12:00 AMUniversity of Louisville,
As the University of Louisville's sponsor for U.S. Constitution Day, the McConnell Center invites the greater Louisville community to a week of Constitution-related activities.
Constitution Day 2011Sep 17, 2010 12:00 AMUniversity of Louisville,
As the University of Louisville's sponsor for U.S. Constitution Day, the McConnell Center invites the greater Louisville community to enjoy cupcakes, a quiz bowl and free pocket-size Constitutions.
Two scholars named to Freshmen LEAD
(Sept. 10, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Hunter Pittman and oSha Shireman, both McConnell Scholars from the Class of 2014, have been named to the Freshmen LEAD program at the University of Louisville.