Want to go to law school? Ask the expert.
- (October 25, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - In "May it Please the Court," Dr. Barbara Perry, a U.S. Supreme Court expert, will shed light on what makes an effective oral argument. Prospective law students don't want to miss this presentation.
Glover prepares for first tour of duty overseas
- (Oct. 25, 2010) FT. CAMPBELL, Ky. - Jordan Glover (Class of 2006) was promoted to captain last week at Fort Campbell, Ky.
Don't know much about history?
- (October 21, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Author James Loewen will discuss why Americans have lost touch with their history in a free public talk Oct. 21, 4 p.m., Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library.
Jennings quoted in The Wall Street Journal
- (Oct. 20, 2010) Scott Jennings, a 2000 McConnell Scholar graduate, comments on today's political climate in The Wall Street Journal.
Scholar keeps time for nationally televised political debate
- (Oct. 19, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Meghan Waters, a freshman McConnell Scholar, was the time keeper for the Oct. 17 University of Louisville-WHAS TV debate between U.S. Senate candidates Jack Conway and Rand Paul.
McConnell Scholars featured on "Hardball with Chris Matthews"
- (Oct. 19, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - McConnell Scholars Eric Kiser and Max Morley were interviewed by Chris Matthews.
15 Kentucky teachers head to Mt. Rushmore
- (October 14, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Fifteen Kentucky educators and teachers travel to Mt. Rushmore for professional development training.
McConnell Fellow's class featured on C-SPAN
- (October 13, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky.- Dr. Brad Birzer, a non-resident fellow of the McConnell Center, will discuss 19th century Republicans on a C-SPAN production. The program will first air Oct. 22.
Gretchen Morgenson visits McConnell Scholars
- (Oct. 13, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Gretchen Morgenson, a Pulitzer-prize winning financial journalist, lunched with McConnell Scholars and university honors students Oct. 4, 2010.
Center celebrates 5 years of civic programming, unveils new logo
- (October 11, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - The McConnell Center celebrates 5 years of civic programming and unveils its new logo.
The U.S. Supreme Court: The Early Years
- (October 11, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - McConnell Scholars unravel the initial constitutional debates about the role of the U.S. Supreme Court.
David Jones speaks at McConnell Center
- (October 11, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky.- McConnell Scholars lunch with David Jones, co-founder of Humana, as part of the Center's Local Leaders extended learning program.
Two staffers celebrate 15 years at U of L
- (October 7, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Tina Talley and Aaron Vowels, both McConnell Center employees, celebrate 15 years of service at the University of Louisville.
Supreme Court opens along partisan lines, says McConnell Center Fellow
- (October 4, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Dr. Barbara Perry, a senior fellow at the University of Virigina's Miller Center of Public Affairs and a non-resident Fellow at the McConnell Center, comments on the new make-up of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Scholars visit The Thomas Merton Center
- (Sept. 29, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - McConnell Scholars visit The Thomas Merton Center as part of the Center's "Leadership and Literature: Autobiography Series."
Experts consider the future of democracy in the "Internet Era"
- (September 21, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky.- Four prominent free speech scholars from the U.S. and Europe discussed free speech and the future of democracy in the so-called "Internet Era."
Salyer alumnus headlines League of Women Voters event
- (Sept. 20, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Neil Salyer, a graduate of the McConnell Scholars Program, will discuss "The People and the Constitution: Popular Interpretations from the Left, Right and Center," along with Dr. Allison Martens, U of L political science professor.
Constitution Day 2010Sep 17, 2010 12:00 AM—
University of Louisville,
- As the University of Louisville's sponsor for U.S. Constitution Day, the McConnell Center invites the greater Louisville community to a week of Constitution-related activities.
Constitution Day 2011Sep 17, 2010 12:00 AM—
University of Louisville,
- As the University of Louisville's sponsor for U.S. Constitution Day, the McConnell Center invites the greater Louisville community to enjoy cupcakes, a quiz bowl and free pocket-size Constitutions.
Two scholars named to Freshmen LEAD
- (Sept. 10, 2010) LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Hunter Pittman and oSha Shireman, both McConnell Scholars from the Class of 2014, have been named to the Freshmen LEAD program at the University of Louisville.