Mission & Goals

The Liberal Studies Program in the College of Arts and Sciences has received a generous gift from C. E. and S. Foundation of Louisville. The gift provides funds for the next five years to support a new interdisciplinary project. The mission of the proposed project is to enrich intellectual life and academic curriculum of the College of Arts and Sciences, and to link traditionally self-contained fields of scholarship with interdisciplinary approaches. The new Liberal Studies project aims to serve students and faculty of the University of Louisville as well as the community in large.

Among the major objectives of the new project are to establish a series of interdisciplinary courses taught by University of Louisville faculty in collaboration with distinguished visiting professors, to bring guest speakers to our campus through a single lecture or workshops while introducing the most recent and pioneering ideas, and to provide scholarships to outstanding Honors and Liberal Studies students in their Junior or Senior years.

Each year the program plans to bring up to six outstanding visiting professors to our campus, three in the fall semester and three in the spring semester. These distinguished visitors may be professors at other institutions, professionals associated with important innovations in their fields, outstanding achievers in interdisciplinary studies, or creative artists.