Jeremy Gutterman

Jeremy Gutterman, Lance Corporal, United States Marines

Son of Jackie Gutterman, Assistant to the Dean, Brandeis School of Law

What makes you most proud as a military mother?

The connections that I have made with other MoMs (Mom of Marines) is amazing. I was very nervous when he left for Bootcamp but meeting other people that were experiencing what I was, was very comforting. I admire his dedication and willingness to put the needs of others, before his own. He wanted to be a Marine, since 3rd grade and went in after high school graduation. I am proud of him for following his dream.

If you could describe your son in three words, what would they be?

Honest, compassionate, hard-working. 

What makes him most proud of his service?

He is proud to be part of something that is bigger than himself. He said being a Marine is not something everyone can do so he is grateful that God gave him the ability to do it for those who can’t. He feels that he has a second family on whom he can rely and knows they will be lifelong brothers and sisters.

What are his future plans?

His contract as Aviation Electrician is 5 years (the average first enlistment contract is 4). He has a year and a half left and plans to pursue a job with Boeing, Lockheed Martin, or UPS. He has been too busy to take classes during his enlistment so, he also plans take college classes once he fulfils his military contract.