Note: The BOLD words are the abbreviated label used for each subcategory on the score report returned to the field test coordinator.
- Matter - Properties and changes of properties in matter
- physical properties (e.g. density, boiling point, solubility), mixtures, physical vs. chemical change
- chemical reactions, compounds, conservation of mass, chemical families
- elements & atomic structure
- states of matter, kinetic theory, and gas laws
- Motion and Forces
- position and direction of motion, speed & velocity, graphical representation of motion
- force & acceleration (includes friction, weight, f = ma, gravity), addition of forces, balanced & unbalanced forces, momentum and impulse (includes action-reaction)
- Newton's first law of motion (inertia)
- Energy
- energy as ability to do work/change, mechanical energy, kinetic and potential energy, simple machines, systems & conservation of energy
- waves, sound, light (refraction, absorption, scattering & reflection), color and vision, electromagnetic spectrum, and sunlight
- static electricity, electric current &circuits, magnetism, electromagnetism
- thermodynamics, heat, temperature, and temperature scales
- chemical energy, nuclear energy (radioactivity, fusion, fission)