Cambridge AICE Diploma Program

UofL awards credit on the basis of scores on the Cambridge AICE Diploma Program. Scores must be submitted to the Office of Admissions as soon as they are available. 

Upon receipt of test scores the appropriate number of credit hours will be entered on the student's record. Official test results are not released until October, please contact your high school to receive an official copy of your certificate. Students will need to work with their academic adviser to ensure duplicate courses are not taken.

A/AS LevelRequired ScoreCourse Awarded
 Art and DesignA, B, or CART 100X (3hrs)
English LanguageA, B, or CENGL 101 - WC (3hrs)
English LiteratureA, B, or CENGL 250 - AH (3hrs)
*Global Perspective and ResearchA, B, or CUNIV 200X (3hrs)
HistoryA or BHIST 102 - SBHD2 (3hrs)
MathematicsA or BMATH 190 & MATH 205 - QR (7hrs)
MathematicsCMATH 190 - QR (3hrs)
 PhilosophyA, B, or CPHIL 211 - AH (3hrs)
Physics (A)A, B, or CPHYS 221, 222, 223, & 224 - S/SL (8hrs)
Physics (AS)A, B, or CPHYS 111 (3hrs)
 PsychologyA, B, or CPSYC 200XGENSB (3hrs)

*Please work with your academic advisor to petition for a more direct equivalency based on your major and research topic.