Advanced Placement Credit
The University of Louisville awards credit on the basis of scores on the Advanced Placement Examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board for the scores indicated below. Scores must be submitted to the Office of Admissions as soon as they are available. CollegeBoard's Advanced Placement website provides information on submitting your AP scores to UofL. Use the institutional code 1838 when requesting that your AP scores be sent to the University of Louisville.
Upon receipt of test scores from either College Board or from an official high school transcript, the appropriate number of credit hours will be entered on the student's record. Test scores for new freshmen are received after the time of summer orientation/registration. Students will need to work with their academic adviser to ensure duplicate courses are not taken.
Check with your academic advisor and/or school to make sure they accept the AP/CLEP test you plan to take. Medical schools do not accept CLEP credit for their pre-requisite courses. Students seeking admission to other professional schools or institutions should check with those institutions' admissions requirements.
Note for Transfer Students
If AP credit was posted on a transcript from a previous college, you do not need to submit your AP Scores. If it was not posted on a previous college transcript then you will need to submit your test scores to the Office of Admissions.
Advanced Placement Credit
AP Exam | Required Exam Score | Awarded Course | General Education Category |
African-American Studies | 3, 4, 5 | PAS 200X (3hrs) | SBD1 -- Social & Behavioral Sciences with U.S. Diversity |
Art: Hist (ARH) | 3 | UNIV 100X (3hrs) | |
4, 5 | ARTH 250 (3hrs) | AH- Arts & Humanities | |
Art: 2-D (A2D) | 3 | UNIV 100X (3hrs) | |
4, 5 | ART 105 (3hrs) | ||
Art: 3-D (A3D) | 3 | UNIV 100X (3hrs) | |
4, 5 | ART 106 (3hrs) | ||
Art: Studio (ASD) | 3 | UNIV 100X (3hrs) | |
4, 5 | ART 107 (3hrs) | ||
Biology (BY) | 3, 4, 5 | BIOL 102 (3hrs) | S -- Natural Sciences |
Chemistry (CH) | 3 | CHEM 201 (3hrs) | S -- Natural Sciences |
4, 5 | CHEM 201 & 202 (6hrs) | S -- Natural Sciences | |
Chinese (CLC) | 3 | CHIN 102 (3hrs) | |
4 | CHIN 202 (3hrs) | ||
5 | CHIN 301 (3hrs) | ||
Comp Sci A (CSA) | 3, 4, 5 | CIS 100X (3 hrs) or CSE 100X (3hrs) | |
Comp Sci Principles (CSP) | 3, 4, 5 | CIS 100X (3 hrs) or CSE 100X (3hrs) | |
Eco: Macro (EMA) | 3, 4, 5 | ECON 202 (3hrs) | SB -- Social & Behavioral Sciences |
Eco: Micro (EMI) | 3, 4, 5 | ECON 201 (3hrs) | SB -- Social & Behavioral Sciences |
Eng Lang (ENGC) | 3, 4, 5 | ENGL 101 (3hrs) | WC -- Written Communication |
Eng Lit (ELC) | 3, 4, 5 | ENGL 250 (3hrs) | AH -- Arts & Humanities |
Envr Science (ENVSC) | 3, 4, 5 | BIOL 263 (4hrs) | B -- Natural Science w/ Lab |
EuroHist (EH) | 3, 4, 5 | HIST 102 (3hrs) | SBHD2 -- Social & Behavioral Sciences & Historical Perspective with Global Diversity |
French Lit (FLA) | 3 | FREN 121 & FREN 122 (6hrs) | |
4 | FREN 122 & FREN 201 (8hrs) | ||
5 | FREN 202 & FREN 313 (6hrs) | ||
French Lan (FRA) | 3 | FREN 121 & FREN 122 (6hrs) | |
4 | FREN 122 & FREN 201 (8hrs) | ||
5 | FREN 201 & FREN 202 (7hrs) | ||
German (GM) | 3 | GERM 123 (4hrs) | |
4 | GERM 201 (3hrs) | ||
5 | GERM 313 (3hs) | ||
Comparative (GPC) | 3 | POLS 100X (3hrs) | |
4, 5 | POLS 202 (3hrs) |
SBD2 -- Social & Behavioral Sciences with Global Diversity | |
US Gov (GPU) | 3 | POLS 100X (3hrs) | |
4, 5 | POLS 201 (3hrs) | SB -- Social & Behavioral Sciences | |
Human Geo (HGEO) | 3, 4, 5 | GEOG 200 (3hrs) | SBD2 -- Social & Behavioral Sciences with Global Diversity |
Italian (ITALC) | 3 | ITAL 122 (4hrs) | |
4 | ITAL 123 (4hrs) | ||
5 | ITAL 321 & 322 (6 hrs) | ||
Japanese (JAPLC) | 3 | JAPN 102 (3hrs) | |
4 | JAPN 202 (3hrs) | ||
5 | JAPN 301 (3hrs) | ||
Latin Literature (LTL) | 3, 4, 5 | LAT 301 & 302 (6hrs) | |
Latin Virgil (LTV) | 3, 4, 5 | LAT 301 & 302 (6hrs) | |
*Math (MAB/MBC/CALCAB) | view credit | QR -- Quantitative Reasoning | |
Music Theory (MST) | 3, 4 | MUH 100X (3hrs) | |
5 & either subscore | MUH 100X (3hrs) | ||
5 and both | MUS 141 & 142 (8hrs) | ||
Precalculus | 3, 4, 5 | MATH 190 (4hrs) | QR -- Quantitative Reasoning |
Phy1 (PHY1) | 3, 4, 5 | PHYS 221 & 223 (4hrs) | S -- Natural Sciences SL -- Natural Sciences Lab |
Phy2 (PHY2) | 3, 4, 5 | PHYS 222 & 224 (4hrs) | S -- Natural Sciences SL -- Natural Sciences Lab |
Magnetism (PHCE) | 3, 4, 5 | PHYS 296 & 299 (5hrs) | SL -- Natural Sciences Lab |
Mechanics (PHCM) | 3, 4, 5 | PHYS 295 & 298 (5hrs) | S -- Natural Sciences SL -- Natural Sciences Lab |
Psychology (PY) | 3 | SOCS 200XGENSB (3 hrs) | SB -- Social & Behavioral Sciences |
4, 5 | PSYCH 201 (3 hrs) | SB -- Social & Behavioral Sciences | |
**Research | 3, 4, 5 | UNIV 200X (3hrs) | |
**Seminar | 3, 4, 5 | UNIV 200X (3hrs) | |
***Span Lang (SPL) | 3 | SPAN 122 (4hrs) | |
4 | SPAN 123 (4hrs) | ||
5 | SPAN 201 & 202 (6hrs) | ||
***Span Lit (SPLL) | 3 | SPAN 313 (3hrs) | |
4, 5 | SPAN 202 & SPAN 313 (6hrs) | ||
Stats (STAT) | 3, 4, 5 | MATH 109 (3 hrs) | QR -- Quantitative Reasoning |
U.S. Hist (UH) | 3, 4, 5 | HIST 104 & 105 (6hrs) | SBHD1 -- Social and Behavioral Sciences & Historical Perspectives with U.S. Diversity |
World Hist (WH) | 3, 4, 5 | HIST 102 (3hrs) | SBHD2 -- Social & Behavioral Sciences & Historical Perspectives with Global Diversity |
* Students may not receive credit for Math 180 AND 205.
** Please work with your academic advisor to petition for a more direct equivalency based on your major and research topic.
*** For information on receiving additional credit for Spanish Courses, contact the Spanish Section in the Department of Classical & Modern Languages.
Math AP Exam Credit
The University of Louisville awards credit on the basis of scores on Math AP Examinations. Scores must be submitted to the Office of Admissions as soon as they are available.
Upon receipt of test scores the appropriate number of credit hours will be entered on the student's record. Test scores for new freshmen are received after the time of summer orientation/registration, so students will need to work with their academic advisor to ensure duplicate courses are not taken.
Math AP Exam | Score | Course Awarded |
Calculus AB | 3 | Math 180 Elements of Calculus - QR (3 hrs) |
4 or 5 | Math 205 Calculus I - QR (4 hrs) | |
Calculus BC | 2 or below | None |
2 or below, + AB sub-score of 3 | Math 180 Elements of Calculus - QR (3 hrs) | |
2 or below, + AB sub-score of 4 or 5 | Math 205 Calculus I - QR (4 hrs) | |
3 | University Elective (3 hrs) | |
3, + AB sub-score of 3 | University Elective + Math 180 Elements of Calculus - QR (6 hrs) | |
3, + AB sub-score of 4 or 5 | University Elective + Math 205 Calculus I - QR (7 hrs) | |
4 or 5 | Math 205-206 Calculus I & II - QR (8 hrs) | |
Precalculus | 3, 4, 5 | Math 190 Precalculus - QR (4 hrs) |