School of Medicine

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1. General Procedure for all International Travelers

2. Individual Undergraduate Medical Students

3. Undergraduate Medical Student Group Trips

4. Graduate Medical Students

5. Faculty, Staff, Residents, and Fellows

6. International Travel Insurance


General Procedure for all International Travelers

 Faculty, staff, students, fellows, and residents are required to file appropriate paperwork when traveling to international destinations as part of their affiliation with the University.

No approval =


 Please note that destinations on the US Department of State’s Travel Advisory list (Levels 2+), the CDC’s Level 2 or 3 alert list, and the Department of the Treasury’s Sanctions list will require additional permissions and paperwork. Please if you are planning to travel to a country on any of these lists.

 Individual Undergraduate Medical Students


Forms and procedures are also found on the Global Education Office site.

Student international travel options include:

  • Presenting or attending a conference
  • Independent research or studying at an international institution
  • Working with an NGO abroad
  • Traveling on a UofL sanctioned service trip

Please submit the below documentation to Dr. Bethany Hodge at least 30 working days before the start of your travel. Dr. Hodge will sign once as both supervisor and Dean Designee, and forms will then be routed to the International Center for pre-approval.


Please note that destinations on the US Department of State’s Travel Advisory list (Levels 2+), the CDC’s Level 2 or 3 alert list, and the Department of the Treasury’s Sanctions list will require additional permissions and paperwork.

Global Education Office requires the following form:
  1. Off Campus Clinical Course form (stays on HSC) (PDF)

Please also carefully read the new requirement for service learning courses memo from Monica Ann Shaw, MD, FACP.

International Center/Provost forms:
  1. Request for Out of Country Travel form (PDF)
  2. Student Demographic form (PDF)
  3. Student Release and Assumption of Risk form (PDF)
  4. Student Conduct form (PDF)
  5. Travel Certification form (PDF)
  6. Personal Emergency Action Plan (PEAP) form (PDF)
  7. A copy of your signed passport page Here is an example of an acceptable passport copy. (Note: travelers are advised to not leave the country if their passport will expire within six months of their return date).


Once your paperwork is received in the International Center, you will receive an email pre-approving your request. Do not make any travel arrangements until you receive this pre-approval email from the International Center.Once pre-approval has been received, please submit:

  1. your flight itinerary
  2. your lodging information
  3. proof of CISI insurance

Full Provost approval will be sent via email once all documentation has been received. Each traveler will receive their own email.

Undergraduate Medical Student Group trips

These are trips on which a University of Louisville SOM faculty member travels with a group of students. (Traditionally: Ecuador, Tanzania, Brazil). Students would complete the same forms and follow the same procedures listed above in the “individual undergraduate medical students” section.

However, both the faculty and student lead need to be aware of the following additional guidelines:

  1. Coversheet (XLSX)must be included for all group trips. Faculty or student lead fill in the names in the appropriate section, and email it to . The international Center takes care of the rest.
  2. The full Provost approval email is sent to the faculty lead. The student lead and Dr. Hodge will be copied on the email. This email is sent once full details have been received from all participants.
  3. Guests on UofL sanctioned trips must also receive approval. Details are found on the group trip page here.

Graduate Medical Students

Complete the individual student forms and follow the procedure outlined on the Provost travel page. (Your department contact should be helping you).

Faculty, Staff, Residents, and Fellows

All faculty, staff, gratis faculty, and residents and fellows traveling internationally are required to file international travel forms before departure. Please visit the Provost Travel page for all required forms.


All international travelers must purchase CISI travel insurance. Please see the Travel Insurance page for policy and payment information.