Jorizzo delivers inaugural Callen Lecture

Founder of Wake Forest dermatology department delivers first-ever presentation of newly endowed lecture series.
Jorizzo delivers inaugural Callen Lecture

U of L Chief of Dermatology Dr. Jeffrey Callen (left) with Dr. Joe Jorizzo (right), the first-ever speaker for the newly endowed Jeffrey P. Callen Dermatology Lecture.

The first endowed Jeffrey P. Callen Dermatology Lecture was given to the faculty and residents at the University of Louisville Dermatology program by Joe Jorizzo M.D., on March 4, 2014.

Jorizzo is Professor, and former and founding Chair of the Department of Dermatology at Wake Forest University and Adjunct Professor of Dermatology at the Weill Cornell School of Medicine.

Named for Jeffrey P. Callen, M.D., FACP, FAAD, the lectureship was begun by his wife Susan and a committee of alumni to celebrate Dr. Callen's 25 years as Chief of the U of L Division of Dermatology.

Callen began a lectureship series 37 years ago bringing in lecturers from all over the world to broaden the education of local doctors, and to put  U of L Dermatology on the map as one of the foremost clinical Dermatology programs in the country.

The contributions will enable 5-6 lecturers per year in perpetuity. The goal of $250,000 has been funded 3/4 of the way, in one year.

It wasn't he only honor for Callen as his faculty surprised him later by naming the library at their new location (3810 Springhurst Blvd.) in his honor.

Those interested in further funding medical education can go to and designate the Jeffrey P. Callen lectureship fund.

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