- GR & Weekly Schedules
- Brothers_Kyle - Public.pdf
- Doukas_Sept2013.pdf
- Schmidt CV 5_21_13.pdf
- Doukas_Flu Flyer.pdf
- LWW_Multi-Date_Flyer_-Spring_2013- with YMCA limitations.pdf
- Mail-In Registration_LWW Form.pdf
- Potassium Document II.pdf
- Dietary Fiber.pdf
- Nutrition Fat Hit List.pdf
- Potassium Food List.pdf
- A_09.12.11.pdf
- E.pdf
- e2.pdf
- Intro.pdf
- journal.pdf
- CURVITAUoL.y008MedCenter One_1.pdf
- Soyoujustfoundoutyouhavediabetes511.pdf
- L.pdf
- SchmidtCV5_14_12.pdf
- L081611.pdf
- Web 09 CV SSH.pdf
- Pa.pdf
- LWW_Information_Sheet_Spring2013.pdf
- Physical Activity.pdf
- pleaser chart NOTE 811.pdf
- R 081611.pdf
- S.pdf
- Family New Pt Packet_01.01.14.pdf
- Geriatrics New Pt Packet_01.01.14.pdf
- Nutrition Services Trifold_07.25.13.pdf
- patient-centered-medical-home.pdf
- GET Program pack.pdf
- application-contact.pdf
- NutritionalPlacemathighres.pdf
- COPDCOMPLETEPACKET_UofLFamMed_Rev06.20.13.pdf
- ChangeyourSALTYways.pdf
- LWWBrochure_FINAL_09.18.13.pdf
- CV of Valerie Harris Weber, DMD, MA
- CV of Valerie Harris Weber, DMD, MA
- Paul Simmons CV
- Paul Simmons CV
- Family Medicine New Pt Packet_09.23.14
- Geriatrics New Pt Pack_09.23.14
- Geriatrics New Patient Pkg - rev 11.04.14
- Family Medicine New Patient Packet - rev 11.04.14
- Alzheimer's Support Group
- Krigger Cooking Matters Article_Feb 2015
- Psychiatric & Behavioral Issues in our HIV Pts
- Psychiatric & Behavioral Issues in our HIV Pts PDF
- Geriatrics Healthcare Symposium 2015
- Dementia Caregiver Support Group
- Schedule of meetings with Caregiver and those with early dementias.
- Fall Cheng 2015 flyer_Elder
- Gold Standard award 2016 flyer
- SOM_FamMed_04.mp4