Committment to Compassion Winners Tony Simms and Dr. Toni Ganzel

South American Student Clinic Trip

LGBT Center

MeNore Lake and Refugee Outreach

Dean Toni Ganzel signs the Compassion Resolution.

What is Being Written About Compassion?

Dalai Lama:  Compassion is nonviolence

I would like to convey my best wishes to everyone participating in this year’s Festival of Faiths in Louisville, Ky. It is appropriate that the organizers, the Center for Interfaith Relations, draw their inspiration from Kentucky’s adopted son, Thomas Merton. I was privileged to meet and learn from him; in fact, it was he who first sparked my appreciation of Christianity.

Three years ago I remember having the opportunity to speak about engaging compassion in conjunction with the same Festival of Faiths...

Read what else people are writing about compassion

What is Being Said About Compassion?