About Us

Content Areas

Topics will be selected in terms of identified needs, interests and changes in technology. Activities will be multidisciplinary in nature and delivered in a manner appropriate to the topic. Only continuing education activities that assist physicians and other healthcare professionals in performing their professional responsibilities effectively and efficiently will be offered.

Target Audience

The primary target audience is physicians, nurses, healthcare professionals in other disciplines and the general public (when deemed appropriate). These Continuing Education activities will be offered to regional, state, national and international audiences.


Activities will include, but will not be limited to, symposia, lectures, hands-on workshops, regularly scheduled series (grand rounds), telemedicine, and use of web-based/online activities. Activities and services will be based upon the identification of professional practice gaps and the expressed needs of healthcare professionals and the observed needs as determined by clinical or basic science research.

Expected Results

Changes in professional performance, competence and/or patient outcomes will be anticipated as a result of effectively planned educational interventions and will be used to meet quality improvement targets. Determination of changes will be conducted through a number of strategies including random sampling of responses gathered from activity evaluations, post activity outcomes follow-up, overall program evaluation and course director evaluations.

Key Services Provided by UofL SOM

  • Accredit learning activities for physicians and nurses that meet Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Essentials & Standards and the Kentucky Board of Nursing requirements.
  • Track credit for learners who attend CE accredited activities.
  • Provide consultation on educational processes and accreditation issues.
  • Collaborate with isolated communities in Kentucky through Area Health Education Centers (AHEC).

Privacy Statement

The University of Louisville School of Medicine respects your privacy. Personal information collected from participants of our educational activities will not, unless required by law, be shared with any third party. The primary reason we collect your personal information is for accountability and documentation of your continuing education activities in compliance with Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) regulations. We do not distribute unsolicited e-mails, nor, unless required by law, do we share the names of our subscribers with any third party.