Criminal Justice Honor Code

Applicable to all students in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Louisville.

As members of the University community and future members of the criminal justice profession, we recognize the need to set and maintain the highest standards of conduct. The University of Louisville has set minimum standards of conduct in various policy statements, including, but not limited to, the Code of Student Conduct and the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. The standards of academic conduct established by the University of Louisville and those established by this document shall constitute the Honor Code and apply to all students in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Louisville. Every student is responsible for being aware of the provisions of the Code.


A student who violates any standard of academic conduct established by the University of Louisville policy may be disciplined under this Honor Code. The Department of Criminal Justice may take action against students who violate any standard of academic conduct. This shall include determining whether the student is fit to continue as a Criminal Justice major and to receive a recommendation for future criminal justice employment. University policies governing non-academic conduct are typically administered by the Vice President for Student Affairs. However, the Department of Criminal Justice retains the right to determine whether a student who has violated non-academic conduct standards is fit to continue as a Criminal Justice major and to receive a recommendation for future criminal justice employment pursuant to this Code.

Any student who commits or attempts to commit any of the following violations of academic conduct may be disciplined under the procedures set forth in the aforementioned policies and the A&S Academic Dishonesty Procedures.


NOTE: The term academic exercise in the following definition includes all forms of work submitted for academic credit hours.


  • Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in an academic exercise.
  • Fabrication: Intentional and unauthorized falsifications or invention of any information or citation in any information or citation in an academic exercise. 
  • Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another violate a provision of the University or school code of academic integrity or failure to report a violation of the Honor Code.
  • Plagiarism: The deliberate adoption or reproduction of another person's ideas, words, or statements or Artificial Intelligence technology (e.g., ChatGPT) as one's own without acknowledgment.
  • Vandalism and Theft: Intentionally mutilating, defacing, destroying, removing, or unlawfully taking University property, including library materials, computer hardware, or software.

Students who become aware of or believe a violation of this Honor Code has been made should:

  • Report the violation to the instructor if the violation is limited to acts within a specific course.
  • Report the violation to the department Chair if the violation(s) involve(s) multiple courses, the vandalism of University property, or activities that have implications and consequences beyond the scope of a single course.